Chapter 5: The Kawasaki Case

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I apologize if the chapters are getting shorter. Trying my hardest to make them as long as possible. At most, as long as the episode is. Anyway, on to the chapter.


It was the next morning and Y/N awoke on his bed, rubbing his eyes. It was strange for him actually. He glanced at his clock and saw that he was an hour early from the time he usually woke up.

He sighs to himself and lays back on his bed, trying to go back to sleep, but for some reason he just couldn't.

Seeing as there was no reason for him to try and go back to sleep since he was wide awake already, he grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom. The shower starts to run and the warm water starts to run down his body. His hair droops down as he stood where the water was running. The steam starts to rise and floods the room. 

Y/N: What the hell am I doing? I'm starting to associate with that right? Heh. Kaa-san would think so...

Thinking back on his time in the Service Club, he thought back to those recent moments. Zaimokuza's manuscript, Yuigahama's garbage baking skills, Totsuka's dilemma, and Hayato's clique. In the longest time, it felt like he was having fun. Or that's what he thought. He always felt empty on the inside.

Then Yukino Yukinoshita came into his mind. Her luscious black hair. Those piercing blue eyes. He always felt entranced when looking at her. A small blush had somehow made it to his cheeks. He shook those thoughts out of his head, shaking his head at the same time.

Y/N: What the hell is wrong with me? Am I falling for her? Yeah right. Damn it.

Leaving his shower, he goes back to his room and gets ready. He heads into the kitchen and saw that no one was there. Not even his sister was up.

He heads to his sister's room and knocks. There was no answer. He knocks again and there was still no answer. Opening the door, he found his sister asleep on the desk. Things were scattered around the floor and many notebooks were open on the desk. She also had a stack of textbooks to her left. Some open, some not.

Y/N: (thoughts) Must have been up all night doing homework.

Upon thinking about it, Y/N never really thanked his sister properly for all the things she'd been doing since the three of them left the family home together. 

He decided to let Setsuna sleep for a little while longer and he heads to the kitchen himself. He puts on an apron and starts to cut some potatoes. Opening up a can of corn beef from the pantry, he took out a pot with a lid.

Putting in the corn beef first, he starts to cook it. After awhile, he puts in the potatoes and starts to cook those as well before adding in chicken stock for a little bit of flavor. He already had rice cooking so all he needed to do was set up the table. Since his sister's school started later than his, roughly about an hour or two, he would leave a note.

After setting things up, he ate his share and went to get a piece of paper and a pen. Walking back to his room, his brother woke up.

Itsuki: (groggily) Ohayo...

Y/N: (hums in a greeting manner)

Grabbing the things he needed, Y/N wrote a quick note and left for school.

With Setsuna

Setsuna starts to awaken, looking around her room. She blinks a couple of times before realizing what time it was.

Rushing out of the door, she starts to frantically knock on Y/N's door. Y/N never answered, obviously, so she opens the door hastily, preparing to yell at him to wake up, but she stops once she looked inside.

My Ice Cold Queen | Yukino Yukinoshita × M!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن