S3, Chapter 6: Prom Planning, Manpower Needed

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Unfortunately, the MyAnimeList app has stopped working due to legal reasons, but it won't stop me. The website is still operational so I can still write chapters for this. Enjoy.

Apologies if this chapter is a bit shorter than it usually is. Couldn't really adapt much so this episode was solely focused on Yui and Hachiman.


With his declaration of joining the "battle royale" that had been established many months back, back when he first came to the club, Y/N walked down the road to his apartment. Itsuki and Shizuka had already left on a date, hitting it off so soon.

As he walked back home, he thought of what he would do. His own plan to make the prom successful. In times like these, Hachiman may be the correct one to do this, considering Y/N wasn't the planning type in these types of situations, but he'd have to improvise. He heard footsteps behind him, turning around slightly as Iroha had quickly caught up with him, elbowing his back.

Y/N: Ow...what was that for?

Iroha: Are you an idiot? Why'd you go and make things so complicated? 

Y/N: You've got it wrong. This isn't exactly my fault. She's always been like that. 

She lets out a "hmph" and continues walking forward, Y/N sighing as he starts to walk behind her.

Y/N: At least let me finish. People are stubborn to the bone and it's annoying as hell. 

Iroha: Right, thanks for your self-introduction. 

Y/N: I'm not talking about myself. Sure I can be like that, but I'm not talking about myself. And why're you walking so fast? People only walk fast when they wanna dodge suspicious people peddling stuff on the street. Where are you heading?

Iroha: Not interested. 

Y/N: (scoff) As if I'm in to younger girls. If anyone's with that fetish, it's Hikigaya. 

The two were then silent as they continued walking, the oncoming cars passing by them. They soon stop at a junction, the two waiting so they could cross the street. The brown haired girl then lets out a sigh, gesturing for Y/N to buy a drink for her at the vending machine next to them.

Rolling his eyes, he bought drinks for the both of them. The two then went to a nearby park, the girl pouting at him as Y/N stared at her confused. 

Iroha: Why did you choose these two?

Y/N: You didn't ask, so it's not my fault. It's yours. Just pick one.

In Y/N's hand was his favorite MAXX coffee and another can labeled, Red Bean Soup. Sighing, Iroha takes the Red Bean Soup can from Y/N and the youngest L/N cracks his open, sipping it as he stares at the orange horizon. 

Iroha: Sorry about this. 

Y/N: Hmm? About what?

Iroha: Maybe if I hadn't started this whole prom business, things wouldn't have gotten complicated. 

Y/N: ...

Iroha: What?

Y/N: It has nothing to do with it. Rather, it was perfect timing. 

Iroha: Huh?

Y/N: If we didn't put a stop to it somewhere, it would have dragged on like this forever. Besides, if making this prom succeeds means I can give the middle finger to the old man, I'll gladly make this prom succeed. In any case, we needed a goal, or a stopping point. 

Iroha: Oh, I see...

Y/N: Sorry about this, too, you kind of got caught in this. 

Iroha: Oh...no, it's alright. As long as the prom is a success, I don't mind. 

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