Chapter 15

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With All For One gone, the villains stopped attacking. Not because AFO wasn't anymore alive, but because Eagle defeated him. They are scared, not trying their luck to go out and kill someone.

The news has spread around really fast. The Hero Association gave a hero license to Izuku, and when he will be 18, he will get Pro Hero license. Izuku's fan base was growing really fast. But was Izuku happy?

... Eh, he was happy, until someone destroyed his emotions. It was a normal day, and Izuku was walking around with his classmates. He wore a hoodie, with a mask and sunglasses. To not notice him, from others.

"Damn, you really have to hide." Said Kirishima. Tokoyami nodded, while Ojiro was looking around. "Sadly." Izuku chuckled, and walked with them. "IZUKU!!" Izuku kept walking, since he didn't want to bring suspicious.

'Who the hell is calling me?' A woman with green long hair, was walking towards class 1-A. "Hello kids, do you know where Izuku is? He is my son, and I need him to talk for something." Izuku stopped. '...'

"Sorry miss, we don't know where he is. Maybe he is training around, he is secretive around us." Talked Kirishima. Everyone nodded, while Izuku was listening. "Tch, you need to tell me. I will expel him from the school where is he studying, to come with me in America."

Izuku was pissed, and was about to go in, but Bakugo walked towards her. "And why you want to expel him? He got famous, and now you want him. Isn't that so?" Inko was pissed, and slapped Bakugo. (Inko knows Mitsuki, but doesn't know his son.)

Everyone was shocked, and a slap was heard. Izuku slapped Inko, really hard. "Never hurt my friends, Inko..." He was growling at her, and she activated her quirk, lifting Izuku up. "You brat, you made a mistake."

His face was revealed, making everyone shocked. "Is that Eagle?" "What is she doing to Eagle?" Everyone started murmuring, while Momo stepped in. "Miss, put down him, or-" Inko pushed her, and made Izuku mad.

"Why you..." He tried to move, to get out of this, but couldn't. "Stain." As he said the name, Stain was behind her. "Miss, leave Eagle alone. Or you will go to the police, for attacking someone." She tch, and let him free. "We will talk soon, brat."

Izuku was pissed, and ran towards her. He kicked her back, making her fall. "How about now? You know, I have the right to kill anyone who hurts my friends, or anyone, so why shouldn't I kill you?" He pointed his sword to her neck.

"Because I am your mom, ungrateful brat. Your dad is here. And he is talking with Yaoyorozu's family." Izuku's eyes were wide. "So come with me, or we will see what will happen to your lover, Momo."

Momo wanted to talk, but he stopped her. He shook his head, and put his sword on his side. "Fine..." Everyone was shocked. Inko walked, and Izuku followed her. He turns his head to them, and smiled.

She walked to the Yaoyorozu's mansion, and Ezio was outside. "Son, what's wrong?" Inko got mad, and slapped him. "You are not his father. So get away from him. I am her mother." Ezio got mad, and started talking.

"Pretty much I am his adopted father, since you let him live alone since young age. And now you think you are his mother, since he got fame? You must be mistaken, he is my son, and never yours!" Yelled Ezio.

A man walked outside, and looked at them. "What is happening here?" Inko started faking crying, and talked to him. "He started yelling at me, and tried to slap me!" Ezio was shocked. "What the hell? You slapped me, and tried to get my son away from me."

The man introduced himself. "My name is Hisashi Midoriya, his biological father. And please don't hurt my wife, or we will have problems." Hisashi was talking calmly, and his voice was sweet.

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