Chapter 11

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Oh look, two episodes in a day.

The next day came fast, and Izuku got a lot of sleep. He stopped working at 11:00 pm, and slept for 7 hours. He started eating some food, and looked at Eri and Toga, sleeping together. He took a photo of them, and saved in his phone. He wore his hero costume, and vanished to the roof.

He started running, and activating EV, to look around. Surprisingly, fewer villains were attacking. Some were doubting of attacking, some looked around if he was coming. Someone walked out, and yelled at them to be quiet, or he would kill them. They were praying, that someone will come save them.


They looked up, and it was an eagle. Behind them, was Izuku. "Bye bye..." He knocked them out, and looked at them. "Anyone hurt?" They shook their head, and thanked him. "No problem. That's what heroes do!" He vanished, and started running to UA.

Aizawa was walking there, and Izuku got behind him. He pointed his sword to his neck, again. "Never drop your guard, Aizawa sensei." He sighed. "I knew you would do that, that's why I wasn't on guard. Problem kid." He chuckled, and put his sword on his side.

The time was 8 am, and Nezu walked out. In that time, Stain came. "Welcome, Stain. Thank you for coming." He nodded, and looked at Izuku. "Come Stain, you are hired as a teacher." He tilted his head in confusion. "Teacher?" Izuku nodded, and held his laughter. 

"So you can teach them how to fight without a quirk, and teach them what's the true meaning of being a hero." Stain nodded in understatement, but was confused with Izuku. "Eagle, why are you holding your laughter?"

"Because you are teaching some kids, and they will be scared shitless! HAHAHA!!" Stain twitched his eyes, and threw a knife near him. He unleashed his sword, and deflected his knife. "Sorry, forgive me." He chuckled lightly, and he nodded.

"So, should we keep calling you Stain?" He nodded. "I don't want anyone to know my name. Just Stain." Nezu nodded, and walked to the class. "Since most of the students are interning, they are not here, but, when they come, you will be with Eraser Head, or Aizawa's class. You need to know how class work, and you will teach them in your way."

Stain just sighed, and nodded. "At least I don't have to kill anymore." Izuku smiled, while everyone was shocked. "After touring, shall we go to Ingenium? You need to apologize to him." Stain scratched his head, and nodded. "Yeah... I didn't get much info, and I feel bad for almost killing him."

Izuku nodded. "Well, let us tour around UA, so you know where to go." He smiled at him, which he got some flashbacks.

"Mom, I want to be a hero! Watch me when I will become a strong one!" It was a small kid, and it was Stain.

"Yeah, show me the way." Stain smiled weakly. They walked around UA, and showed most of the class. Stain meet with some teachers, which first, they were shocked, but when they heard that he will stop, and he will be a teacher, they welcomed him.

The students will be shocked when Stain will be teaching heroes. "I will talk with HPSC (Hero Public Safety Commission), and test you if you are good enough to be a Pro Hero." Stain thought of it, and nodded.

"You can bring detective to see if I am telling the truth. I promise that I will stop killing fake heroes, since Eagle will do that for me." Izuku nodded, making Stain smile. Every teacher shrugged, since they knew that Izuku will kill villains, and fake heroes. The teachers think the same with Izuku. They deserve that.

After they were done touring him, they walked to the hospital, where Ingenium was. Aizawa, Izuku and Stain walked in, and Aizawa talked with the nurse. While he was doing this, Stain looked around. "I think the police noticed me."

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