Chapter 13

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In the morning, we see Izuku training near UA, since he was waiting for Dabi to come. Dabi walked to the school, and he sees Izuku training. "Yo." Said Dabi, waving at him. Izuku made a gesture to come inside UA, which he walked in.

They walked to the RG, and she was doing some paperwork. "Hello RG, can you try to heal him while I do something to his body? To see if it's effective with your healing." RG was confused, but she nodded. "Sure, sit down Dabi." He sat down on the bed, and she kissed him. While a green aura was shown, Izuku started AP on his body.

The healing would focus only on the burnt marks, so it would finish faster. His skin was getting better, and the clips were being removed. Dabi was getting a little tired, but nonetheless, it healed his body.

Then Izuku made his body to control his quirk better, so he wouldn't burn himself anymore. He fell asleep, and RG, with Izuku, were shocked of how cute he was without burns. Izuku chuckled, and let him sleep.

He walked to the class, and no one was inside, so he sat down, and closed his eyes. After some minutes, he heard noises, but kept sleeping, to see what they would do. Everyone was walking inside the class, and they were quiet.

'I guess they remember what I did to Iida when he woke me up.' But then he felt a kiss. Izuku blushed, and opened his eyes. Everyone started chuckling, while Momo smirked. "Momo-chan, thank you for kissing me, but you have done it now..." He grinned darkly, and tickled her. She started laughing, begging for Izuku to stop.

"I AM SORRY HAHAHA IZU-KUN!" Then he stopped. Now he was the one smirking. He helped her stand up, and hugged her. "Let's go sit down." She nodded, and all of them sat down. Aizawa walked in, and started the lesson.

After lesson, he told us some news. "All right, listen up. We will go in camping trip, after the exams are done. Be sure to pass, or you won't come." They nodded, and after he walked outside, Kaminari and Mina were screaming. "I don't know anything!!" Mina nodded, and they were sad.

"Then I can help you teach, if you want to." Momo was first, Todoroki was second, and Bakugo third. Izuku was in 4th place, since he was bored, and didn't want to get first. Mina and Kaminari nodded fast, and almost everyone asked for help.

Izuku sighed. "You are so loud, quiet down, please. Who wants to learn, come to the address Momo will give to you. I will help you guys, together with Momo." They nodded, and Momo gave them the address, and made a plan when to meet up. 

The next day came quickly, and started teaching them. After the lesson, they started training with Izuku, giving them a harsh training. They kept training, until they were tired.

Time skip (After the paper exam)

"Now follow me outside, you will do the last exam. Be sure to give them Plus Ultra." Said Aizawa. Everyone wore their hero costume, and walked out. Every teacher was there, even Stain. They were confused at first, but then understood that they will be fighting them.

(Everything is like canon, but Bakugo goes on a team, since Izuku will be fighting alone, and everyone won. I will only show Izuku's fight.)

Izuku Auditore vs all the teachers.

"Man that's crazy... He even is quirkless, but fighting all of them..." Said Kirishima. "Well, it's because he even trained us, and everyone won. Even Kaminari and Mina, vs Nezu. Everyone has improved their quirk, since he did that thing to our body."

They nodded, and looked at the screen. "Let's see Izuku full power." Momo shivered, he never showed his full power.

Outside, we see Izuku getting ready, while the teachers were in circle, ready to attack him. "BEGIN!!" Everyone scattered, and Ectoplasm started making clones, while Snipe shot at him. When the bullet came close, he vanished.

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