Chapter 1

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As Izuku walks in, and looks around, nothing has changed in it. Just a bit dusty. From now on, they will live here, and if someone finds this house, they would move to another place. Both of them were thinking how to get some money, and get some food. Yes, they lived in the forest for many years, but now they want to live as civilians to bend in with them, so they will get more info.

Izuku looked in a mirror, and got some clothes they 'stole' from villains to try on. For now. When they got out, they made a plan how to win moneys. YouTube. Both of them were good at parkour, and they will just hold the camera while running. 

Ezio smirked at the plan, and patted Izuku. He sighed. They checked some places, and thought where to jump to make everyone who watches get excited, or something like that. "Hey Izuku, why don't you go call that kid you saved before?" Izuku tilted his head.

"Oh sure, can you tell me the address where they live? I don't mind going there." Said Izuku rolling his eyes. Ezio sweatdropped, and punched on top of his head. "You pinpointed her, so you can find with Eagle Vision." His eyes were wide, and scratched his head. "Right... I forgot."

Ezio sighed, and chuckled. "It's ok. Well, since you saved her, she might... Give you something." He smirked at his son, while he twitched his eyes, and glared at him. Ezio smiled at him. 'You are starting to show some emotions, son. I will make sure that you will learn all emotions you need in your life.'

They walked to her home, and Ezio stopped walking. He hided himself somewhere. Izuku kept walking, until he reached the... Door... 'Damn... She is rich...' He clicked the button to call, and someone answered. "Hello, who you might be?" 

"I wanted to talk to... Momo Yaoyorozu, since she told me, if I need something, I would come to her. I want to talk with her outside, for a bit." Some minutes passed, and a girl walked outside. When she saw him, he ran to him, and hugged. Izuku, and Ezio were both shocked. Ezio smirked, and thought a plan to tease Izuku when he comes.

"Hey Yaoyorozu, sorry for calling you sudden, but I need to talk with you... Um, I wanted to find a work, but I don't know how things works around here. I lived in the mountains, in the forest, so I don't know what to do. And the first person to ask for help... It was you." Yaoyorozu smiled, and nodded.

"Of course I will help you. Hm... Since you saved me... How about you become my bodyguard. You can be my bodyguard, and look from far. I won't tell anyone, but my... Family..." Ezio and Izuku were confused of how she stopped when she mentioned her family. "Sure... But don't tell anyone that I saved you. If you can do that, then I will accept. If I am busy, someone in my place will come bodyguard you. Trust him." Ezio walked and waved at them. 

"He's talking about me, I am his father." She nodded, and told us to wait here, while she gets some papers to make a contract. Ezio activated Eagle Vision, and looked at the windows. She was coming here, but her parents stooped her. 'It seems they are having an argument. But why?' Then something happened, which shocked Izuku. He just activated it, and saw a slap. They looked at each other, that they will ask about her family.

She came, and had small tears on her eyes. "H-Here you go. The salary is 100k $ per month." Ezio got his eyes wide, while Izuku kept looking at her. He sighed. "Yaoyorozu, if we accept this, we will bodyguard you, from anything and anyone... Even if it's your family. Mind telling what's wrong with your family?" She had her onyx eyes wide, and was shocked. 

"How do you know? What's your quirk?" Izuku sighed, whispering to himself 'troublesome'. "Is the slap on your face Yaoyorozu. And we are quirkless. But worry not, we are the best at being a bodyguard." Ezio smiled at her, reassuring that they were good at the work. She accepted, and gave us a room.

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