"you know that I love you right?"

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Carina was making coffee while Maya was still seated on the couch. Nothing had happened they wanted to start talking (well Carina wanted to talk) but no one has said a single thing.

Finally, Carina made her way towards Maya. She held two cups of coffee in her hand and seemed ready to talk. Maya's heart started to beat faster again at the thought of the long and difficult conversation they were about to have. If it was the conversation she feared. "So," Maya said looking at Carina with big eyes. "What is it you want to talk about? You're scaring me you know." While the last word escaped Maya's mouth a smile formed on Carina's charming face. "Oh, bella. I didn't mean to scare you." Carina explained. Still, grinning.

Maya asked again what the hell Carina wanted to talk about but she never seemed to get a satisfying answer. They drank their warm coffee and talked about random, nonimportant things. Maybe Carina was terrified of the conversation just as much as Maya was.

*What if she wants to break up with me, but what the hell does the station have to do with that. What if she got suspicious of me and wants me to go to a stupid clinic. That can't happen. No one is supposed to know.*

"Bambina, are you ok?" Carina's words pulled Maya back to reality and the conversation they were having. I slight nod was all the blond gave for an answer. She didn't quite know why but the rage was building up inside of her. Rage because of this discussion. Rage of not getting an answer. Carina tilted her head and was staring straight into her girlfriend's soul. "Ok, you know what? I don't want you to be mad, so I'm going to tell you what's up now. Even if I wasn't supposed to." This time Maya just decided not to answer and just wait for the brunette's words. "I knew you would forget and it's your first birthday with me as your girlfriend and I wanted it to be special-" after that sentence Maya was lost in her thoughts again.

*Omg, I completely forgot. Today is my birthday. The day I turn 32. Wow, I really forgot. I mean, of course, I'm not excited, I never am. But to at least remember. Of course, Carina was going to do something nice. She is the best, but sadly I prefer to just ignore my birthday. Maybe that's why the station was so weird. Oh god, please don't let it be a surprise party. There is so much food and cake and everyone expects you to eat it. Damnit. Just act nice no one will notice you're not eating. Right?*

To be fair, the blond never especially liked her birthday. With all the cake and food. It drove her crazy. But now she had to act nice and she had to eat. Because what if Carina would notice right? "Bella, are you even listening?" Maya had completely toned out Carina's voice and was now shocked at the question addressed to her. "Uh, yeah sorry." She answered quickly and hoped she didn't sound skeptical. Carina pulled up her eyebrows knowing her girlfriend didn't listen to a word she had just said. "Soo, are you ready to go?" Maya now looked at her, clearly confused. "The surprise party. You know the one I just told you about."

*Oh, shit it really is a surprise party. Fuck. Ok just go there and appreciate your fantastic girlfriend and for once have a good time it cannot be that hard!*

"Yup, almost ready. Just give me 3 minutes so I can change into something nicer ok?"

Maya didn't wait for a confirmation.  She quickly walked into their bedroom and threw on a nice outfit. She was wearing a pair of light jeans with a blouse and flannel on top. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail like usual. Soon after they were already in the car and on the way to the station. Carina kept on looking at Maya in a way that was awfully caring and endearing.

"You know that I love you right?" Carina said while still focusing her eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I love you too."

(Hope you enjoyed the new part. I wanted to make something lighter for in between and I would love to hear all your feedback :) )

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