Y/n: Mm.

That was all I offered. I was way too tired to do much of anything else. Let alone start an argument with this asshat.

Annie: Hello. Reiner, Bertholdt, why are we here? I thought we were getting our own table.

Y/n: 'Way to say "fuck you", Annie.'

Y/n: I'll take that as my cue. See ya.

The only other available table was the table that Sasha and Connie were at. I knew I probably wouldn't get much work done, but I needed to get my mind off those three. I really wanted to know just what the fuck their deal was. Reiner was always a conceited asshole, Annie has seemed to loath being in my presence since day 1, and Bertholdt...well, Bertholdt always refuses to make eye contact with me. Everyone knows he's awkward, but like, what the fuck?

Y/n: Yo. What's today's topic?

Connie: Yo, Y/n! Sash and I were talking about names.

Y/n: Eh?

Sasha: Y'know, like how we don't get to pick our own, yet we keep it until we die. That type of stuff.

Y/n: Oh. Makes sense, actually.

Connie: I knew you'd get it! This is why you're one of us.

I laughed at that.

Y/n: I'm honored, Sir.

Sasha and Connie saluted. So did I.

Y/n: How about how we have to be a certain age to legally change it?

Sasha and Connie: Ooh, good one!

We idly talked while cleaning our weighted bags, and once we were done, we started to head for the mess hall.

Y/n: You guys can go on without me. I'm gonna check on the others.

Connie: It's cool, we'll wait here.

I nodded and went back in.

Y/n: What's up? You guys almost done?

The entire table looked flustered-Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Marco, Thomas, Mina, and even Christa. The only person who wasn't affected was Ymir. I rolled my eyes.

Y/n: Ymir, what did you do?

Ymir: Why's it gotta be my fault? That's sexist.

Y/n: We're both girls! And I know you had something to do with it because everyone else has the decency to be embarrassed!

She groaned.

Ymir: Fine. I'll say what I'm sure everyone else is thinking. How big are you exactly?

My mind came to a screeching halt. She was worried about-

Y/n: You're worried about my fucking dick size?

I whisper-yelled.

Y/n: Ymir, why the fuck are you-? What the fuck-?

I forced myself to take deep breaths to compose myself.

Y/n: If you want to know so bad, why not ask privately and save everyone else the embarrassment? I would've told you.

I got collective sputtering at that.

Y/n: It's weird as fuck, sure, but I'm not exactly ashamed. And if my friends are curious, then I'm happy to...educate.

I shrugged as if the answer was truly that simple.

Y/n: We'll talk later, yeah?

Ymir, for her part, was actually embarrassed and just nodded.

Y/n: So, you three. Are you done yet?

Mikasa and Eren shook their heads while Armin nodded.

Mikasa: You can tag along with Y/n, Armin. Eren and I will meet you in the mess hall.

He nodded, and we both proceeded to leave the armory. Once we got to the doorway, Connie and Sasha rejoined us.

Connie: Y/n, what the hell took you so long? You only came back with Armin!

Sasha: Ditto, I'm starving!

I laughed as I gave her a head pat and a granola bar I kept stashed in my shirt pocket.

Y/n: Relax. Ymir was being a little shit again. No biggie.

Sasha happily began munching on the granola bar.

Y/n: That should keep you tided over.

Connie: If she doesn't fucking inhale it first! Sasha, chew it! It's not going anywhere!

Y/n: Except to your stomach.

We all laughed at that. Until Sasha started to choke, that is.

Armin: Oh my! Sasha, are you alright?!

Annie x F!Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now