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TW- brief mention of self harm

  COLORSTW-  brief mention of self harm

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                       "Adrien? Adrien!" The blue haired woman screams, barging into the boy's bathroom

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"Adrien? Adrien!" The blue haired woman screams, barging into the boy's bathroom. She's horrified. He was wearing his clothes in the shower, sitting on the tile with his head down. Blood surrounded him in a puddle, swirling down the drain. She scurried to his side, grasping the nearest towel and wrapping it around his arms. She uses her thumb to lift the young child's chin, connecting their eyes.

"Hey, ange. Look at me please." She was abnormally calm. She was getting wet, but didn't care. "You're not alone. You don't have to." Her tone was sweeter than cherry pie. "It's okay to hurt, ange. There is light." He begins to cry, burying his head in her chest.

"I want to help you search for colors in a world full of gray."

He sniffs, emerald eyes looking up into her blue. "I love you, Nathalie."

"I love you too, Adrien."

"What was that favor you wanted to ask?" Marinette wondered audibly, wiggling her toes

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"What was that favor you wanted to ask?" Marinette wondered audibly, wiggling her toes. Chat Noir smirked, speaking loudly.

He'd visited her after his talk with Ladybug. He loved that bug. He loved how supportive she was of him even if he was so unlocked. "Do you have time to whip up a suit for the Heroes Gala, Sunday?"

Her face freezes. She wasn't even close to finishing her dress for Ladybug. There was no room in her schedule for another entire outfit! "Of course. I'd be honored." Why did she have to be so kind? The famous Chat Noir wanted her, a silly schoolgirl, to make his suit for a public event!

He was just a friend anyway. A brainless little kitten.

"You're the best, Marinette." He shoot her with imaginary finger guns. She cringes. His ring flashes. "Sorry princess, I'll be back tomorrow."

"And I'll have your tux." He darts into the twilight, leaving the ravenette alone... with several kwamis.

They overload her with questions, all in amazement of how they could feel Plagg's presence within Chat Noir. Marinette was tickled at this, but quickly pulled out her gown for Heroes Gala.

If I must say, it's coming together beautifully. The corset area was black, with a ribbon tiring around the waistline. She was currently fixated on the skirt, which had a red base and is now getting black dots stitched to it. She couldn't decide whether or not to sew a train onto the skirt. It may just get in the way.

Would she be dancing? Would she eat food with civilians? Will she be happy there? Should she just ruin the livestream completely so Alya fucking Césaire doesn't get good content for her actually really well-thought-out blog? No. Not this time.

She imagines her night. She's dancing in the arms of Adrien Agreste, flowing to the music. She's be excited and comforted in his arms. She'd be loved.

It's not like she's not love. She doesn't know.

In this fantasy, she wouldn't be alone. She wouldn't feel any emotion other than happiness. She would not be embarrassed at the fact she was dancing with one of the most respected designers in the entire continent of Europe. She'd have her hamster. She'd have her lover. She'd have the life she'd always longed for.

But it was a fantasy.

And fantasies aren't real.

"So M'lady? Am I gonna be picking you up tomorrow evening? Like a true date?" He drags out date like it was something special

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"So M'lady? Am I gonna be picking you up tomorrow evening? Like a true date?" He drags out date like it was something special. They were partners, and only partners.

"We could met here." Ladybug gestured around the quarters of the hideout.

"Works for me." He smiles in silence before another thought entered his train. "Should we be fashionably late or early?"

She snickers. "Fashionably late of course. What's the fun of toying with their minds if we are early?" He liked this side of her. The playful side. She seemed happy even though he knew she honestly wasn't.

"Another question."


"What masks are wearing? Are we actually going to transform?"

"I'm not sure. I can test it out tonight and tell you in the morning."

He raises a brow, "You're gonna see me in the morning?"

She pauses. "Why not? We might as well."

"I'm not supposed to see you before the big day! We can't do it." Even though he was tossing the words around in a delightful manner, this pissed Marinette off.

"We are not getting married, Chat Noir!"

He can't help but laugh. She's wasn't. "It's just a joke Bugaboo." He grins, looking deep into those bluebell eyes of hers. "But it doesn't have to me."


lil' short

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lil' short. but i'm speed run in this shit
tink <3

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