A Reality | Part 5

Start from the beginning

"Tony, you're having a fever, I need to check you." Bruce brings his thermometer and tries to put it in Tony's mouth.

"Nah, Big Guy. I'm fine. I don't need to check my temperature with a thermostat."


"Whatever! I just don't want to-"

"Tony stop hesitating and just let me do what I have to do." Bruce grabbed Tony's shoulder and prepares to check his temperature until..

"I said I don't want to-!" Tony suddenly exerted a force onto Banner that caused him to push away far off. Everyone looked in horror to realise what did just happen. Tony widens his eyes and glances at his hand, wondering for what he did.

"Tony.. w-what did you-" Clint looked in horror.

"I-I didn't mean it! It just ha-" Another force that Tony created hit right on the ceiling, crippling a part of the room. Everyone shook for cover along with Tony, but he just couldn't believe what even in the world did he do to get this.. strange power.

"God.. Tony, did the Mind Stone do all this?" Bruce thought.

".. I don't know.. I just.. argh.. we don't have time to panic right? I never wished for these powers at all."

"Seems like you've got a special ability from now on, you're more than a human.."

Tony takes a look over his new superpower illuminating a blue aura. The color of his magic. Everytime he used his ability the eyes and his arc reactor glow bright, since the mind stone also reached through his heart.

"Maybe.. I'm really more than a human now.."


The scene ends and then, another advertisement begins during the scene.

Depressed from your own mental problems? Or you're having post traumatic disorders?

The Neuro-cromatic medicine includes how to forget your past, mistakes, regrets, pain and fears, giving you immediate comfort.

Also, you can also finally have a will to live rather to suicide. Because mental health is important, not others.

Do consult a doctor about this medicine, and live carefree.


- Present Time, in Real World -

You started packing your stuff in the room, meanwhile Natasha comes in and sees what you're doing. She immediately ran towards you and stopped you.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Natasha said worriedly.

"When a place becomes hell for me and my husband I cannot tolerate it!" Y/N zips her suitcase and prepares to leave, but Natasha grabbed her hand.

"Don't do it, Y/N. We all need you! We can fight together to stop Tony doing all this!"

"No, Nat. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to bring back the Tony I loved, and I'll not stop until and unless, I make him better once at for all. And none of them will help me, I'm all by myself, and yes. Me and only me." You open the door, but Natasha kept following you and tried stopping you as the others saw you leave.

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