29 - out in the open

Start from the beginning

"Why did you leave me?" She mumbled against my back. "I thought you're going to to carry me on your back. But you walked away even though you knew how sleepy and tired I was." She whined, most likely pouting as she did so.

I pulled her arms off of me but she tightened her grip and refused to let go.

"No!! Let me enjoy this for a bit more, please." She whispered while tiptoeing from behind me, oblivious to her warm breath tickling the base of my neck.

"Park . . ." I groaned. "I'm not having as much fun as you are right now. So please, stop." I said before successfully unclasping her arms around my waist.

It was a good thing that I remained holding her left hand because Chaeyoung's body slumped right back on me when I turned to face her. Her face landed right on my chest and she reflexively wrapped her arms around my waist once again.

I was about to lash out on her when my eyes landed on her face. She looked comfortable with her eyes closed relaxingly and a pretty smile drawn on her lips. Unconsciously, the corners of my mouth turned up in a small smile as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Now how am I supposed to get mad at you when you're acting like this?" I whispered to the sleeping Chaeyoung in my arms.

And to complete our day with a cherry on top, Chaeyoung giggled in her sleep.

"I finally told him that I like him. I have liked him since high school and only found the courage to confess now. Gosh! I really like you, Jeon Jungkook. I hope you don't mind." She giddily uttered in between her giggles.

A wide smile instantly appeared on my face while listening to Chaeyoung.

"Silly, I don't mind." I carefully ruffled her hair with one hand while the other one was encircled securely around her waist. "I was even delighted hearing you say that all over again. Park Chaeyoung, you have me wrapped around your finger but not even an ounce of me is complaining."

Then we stayed in that position for a few more minutes, our arms wrapped around each other.

Now I couldn't deny how much I am enjoying this.

... ... ... ... ...

Chaeyoung's POV

The moment I opened my eyes in the morning, all my foolishness the night before flashed before my eyes in an instant.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I uttered in complete shock. Then I grabbed a pillow and placed it over my face as I screamed into it. "Park Chaeyoung, how could you embarrass yourself like that?! WAH!!!"

After taking deep breaths and making sure I already calmed myself down, I abruptly got up from the bed and clumsily grabbed my phone.

"Unnie!" I cried in frustration and desperation right when Jisoo answered the call. "I'm stupid. I'm so sorry. I'm such a stupid flirt. Unnie, help me. Please . . . I don't know what to do."

"Chaengie . . . I'm so sorry but I actually did not catch up with what you were trying to say. What kind of stupidity are we talking about here?!"

"That sounded like an insult right there." I said before shaking my head as I tried to forget it. "But I could not even care because I'm just desperate for your help. Unnie, please help me."

"Then I don't need to be sorry." Jisoo said while laughing at me in a teasing manner. "But really Chaeng, tell me what you actually did."

"Oh!" I exclaimed and readily placed a finger in my mouth in nervousness. I took one deep breath before explaining, "Unnie, before anything else, you need to promise that you won't disown me after hearing what I did. Promise me, Unnie."

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