Monster Island Attack

Start from the beginning

Gorosaurus: your welcome, ma'am. This fight ain't over though.

Phoenix: agreed, I think it's just the beginning!

Mothra fired her antennae beams at a small patch of Aggregates, who responded firing micro-oxygen beams at her, but she swiftly dodges and slashes with her claws

Mothra: *sees* woah!! *Ducks from a Micro-Oxygen beam and sees a couple more of them* they'll have to do better than that! *Uses antennae beams*

King Caesar: how'd you like this, freaks! *Kicks one, shoots another with his laser eyes and smashes two of their heads together* they ain't that tough... *Pounced on* oofff!!! *Breaks free and pummeled the Aggregate*

Quetzalcoatl flew and wrapped herself hard around a large Aggregate and weakening it with a fireball.

Quetzalcoatl: Hey, Caesar! let's give this one a ride!

King Caesar: *sees her flying down towards him* sure, Quetz! *grabs the Aggregate from Quetzalcoatl, spins it around and tosses it into the mountain* score!

Quetzacoatl: nice one! 

With Rodan fighting with his sister, Fuyu they were dueling out against a pack of Aggregates

Fuyu: this is nuts, this is absolutely nuts!! *shoots her cryogenic ice breath*

Rodan: *slashes one with his talons* Yet so fun, bout time these creatures got their reckoning!!

Fuyu: *bites one in half with her beak and sees a large amount surrounding* back to back?!

Rodan: read my mind, sis! 

the Fire and Ice Demons got back to back and blasted the swarm with the volcanic heat breath and cryogenic ice breath, completely ripping the aggregates to ashes due to the combined extreme temperatures.

Kamacuras and Kumoga: HYAAAH!!! *strike a few Aggregate*

the Aggregate fell down but another showed to try and bite Kumonga's abdomen but Kamacuras grabbed and pieced it with his claws

Kamacuarsas: gotcha! Hey, Kumonga! *ready to swing the Aggregate* thinkin what i'm thinking?

Kumonga: *picks up the other Aggregate with his web* sure! Let's whack em!

Kumong and Kamacuras swung the two Aggregates and slammed them into eachother.

Elsewhere a larger Aggregate was trying to bite Komodithrax with it's powerful jaws, only to get a facefull of Komodithrax's atomic breath 

Zilla: ooh, nice one honey!

Komodithrax: I'm flattered...whoa, behind you!!

A huge Aggregate attempted to attack both her and Zilla but he used his atomic breath to strike the creature back, Komodithrax joined and the two's combined atomic beams vaporised the Aggregate.

Zilla: close one, dear! Where's Komodozilla?

Komodthrax: I thought she was with you..??

Zilla: no, i thought she was with you..!

Godzilla: *appears crushing small Aggregates on his foot and blowing a few more apart with an atomic breathe and and more with his Spiral Red Breath* Where's Junior??

Zilla: Godzilla, have you seen Komodozilla?!

Godzilla: if i know them, they must be together somewhere, don't worry, they are capable of looking after eachother!

Meanwhile Godzilla Junior and Komodozilla were fending off small Aggregates

Junior: *charging atomic breath* there's lot's of em!

Komodizilla: What are we gonna do!?

Junior: fight back!

Komodizilla: *tail whips an Aggregate*

a bigger one appears behind Komodozilla

Junior: Oh no

Large Aggregate: *charges Micro-Oxygen beam*

Junior: WATCH OUT!!

Komodozilla: *turns to see and tries to charger her atomic breath*

Bigger Aggregate: *pushes her down*

Komodozilla: ugh! Let..go!!

Bigger Aggregate: *charged up his Micro-Oxygen Beam*

Spitka: *slithers fast and bites the bigger Aggregate's neck*

All of a sudden, they hear the bigger Aggregate screeching pain

Komodozilla: huh??

Aggregate: *screeching in pain and agony*

They look up and saw Spitka biting the Aggregate's neck.

Spitka: *uses Shock bite while biting it's neck and moves his body around, smashing the Aggregate everywhere*

Komodozilla: woo yeah!

Junior: Go Spitka!

Spitka: *snaps the Aggregate's neck*

Spitka drops the dead Aggregate and roars, fiercely

Spitka: Kids, are you okay?

Junior: we're okay

Spitka: I have to take you two to your parents, they're worried sick!

Junior: their busy!

Spitka: OKay, just take care of eachother!  Stay here, I'm gonna go help the others! *quickly leaves*

at that moment, the two Kid Titans notice Destoroyah watching the whole battle from the air

Destoroyah: *seeing the fight from the sky* as this will take a long while...i might as well see the sights! *turns to fly away* thinking what i'm thinking??

Komodozilla: *nods* 

the two young Titans leave the Island to follow Destoroyah while the battle raged on

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