because we're all what?

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"You're pregnant?!" Agnes said excitedly, "Since when?!!" "Well it sure does seem like it just came out of nowhere didn't it." Wanda said, laughing. Y/n ran downstairs to the other two girls, "What happened? I heard screaming." Wanda and Agatha laughed. "I'm pregnant!" Wanda said, turning her body so her bump was facing y/n. "Wow! Congrats!" the teen said with a shocked expression on her face. "We should go baby shopping!!" Agnes said, grabbing Wanda's hands to turn her towards her. "Oh, that would be so fun!" Wanda said before turning to face y/n, "Would you like to come?" "Sure!" Y/n said with a smile on her face.

The three girls walked to the store, it was a nice day so it didn't bother them to walk. Wanda went to the furniture part of the store while Agatha and y/n stayed in the clothes section. "She's pregnant?" y/n asked. "I know right? She wasn't yesterday!" They both laughed. "Do we even know if the baby is a boy or a girl?" the teen asked, "How are we supposed to buy clothes?" Agatha looked at y/n, "Well, I didn't think about that." they giggled.

"I haven't had to do anything like this since you were a baby, you meant everything to me and I couldn't even get you decent stuff." Agatha said with a regretful look on her face. Y/n looked at her mother, "Well, I didn't need the fancy stuff, I turned out fine! I couldn't ask for a better mother." she said, trying to lighten the mood. Agatha looked over at y/n, admiring her and putting her hand on her cheek, "And I couldn't ask for a better daughter." Agatha gave y/n a kiss on the head, "Let's go find Wanda." Y/n nodded and they ran over to the other side of the store.The girls finished shopping and went home.

"That was fun!" Y/n said, grabbing a bowl of popcorn and sitting next to her mother on the couch. "It was!" Agatha said, wrapping her arm around her daughter and stealing a piece of popcorn from the bowl. "Do you think that her pregnancy coming out of nowhere and going so fast has to do with her powers?" Y/n asked. Agatha didn't answer, she was focused on something outside the house.

"Mom?" Y/n said, looking out the window, trying to figure out what her mom was looking at. "What?" Agatha said, finally breaking her gaze and looking at her daughter. "What are you looking at?" Y/n asked. "It looks like things are going crazy in Wanda's house, do you see that?" Agatha said, looking back out the window. "Yeah I do-" Y/n was cut off by the power going out, "What in the world?" "The things in Wanda's house stopped. What is happening?" Agatha asked, getting up from the couch and going outside.

"Do you think we should go check on Wanda?" Agatha asked. Just then, Vision ran outside, "Are you two ok over there?" he yelled. "We're fine! What about you?" Agatha yelled back. "Ah, yes, we're fine!" Vision said, looking like he was trying to reassure himself more than anyone else. "Well, alright, do you two need any help?" Agatha yelled. "Um, no, we're fine!" Vision said, sounding unsure again. "Ok, let us know if you need anything!" Agatha said. "Alright!" Vision replied before running back in the house.

Agatha and y/n walked back inside. "That was weird." y/n said. "Yeah it was." Agatha said looking out the window towards Wanda's house again. Agatha and y/n sat back down on the couch and started talking about magic and Wanda's powers. Y/n was very interested in it because she had never heard of someone else with magic like her and her mother.

Suddenly, the pipes burst. There was water pouring everywhere. "What is happening?!!" Agatha and y/n yelled at the same time. They started laughing. "What are the chances of this?!" Y/n said through giggles, "The power went out and the pipes burst!" They both began to splash around in the water, still laughing. These moments were their favorites, it shows how far they've come since those awful days while they were part of the coven.

Agatha and y/n ran outside, still laughing to see if what just happened to them happened to their neighbors too. Most of their neighbors were outside sopping wet just like they were, except for a few. Wanda, Vision, and Geraldine were missing. This was strange, Geraldine was almost always outside, did she even have a house? Where did she come from?

Agatha and y/n saw Herb outside and rode their bikes over to his yard to talk to him, he was completely dry. "How are you not soaking wet?" Y/n asked Herb. "What?" Herb said back. "The pipes just burst in everyone's house! That's why everyone's dripping outside of their houses!" Y/n said through a laugh. "Oh! That's what happened! I've just been outside trimming my hedges!" Herb laughed. Vision walked outside. "Hello!" "Hi!" Agatha, y/n, and Herb said in unison. "Did your pipes burst too?" Agatha asked. "Yes, they did. Did everyone else burst as well?" Vision asked. "Seems like it." Herb replied, looking at all the people outside their houses. Suddenly, a thought came to Agatha's mind.

"Vision, is Geraldine inside with Wanda?" Agatha asked as Vision began to walk away. He turned around, "Yes. Why?" "She's new to town. Brand new." Agatha replied, hesitating slightly, "There's no family. No husband." "Well, there's nothing wrong with that." Vision said with an awkward laugh. Agatha shook her head, "No home." Herb and y/n exchanged a look, they were wondering whether or not they should add to the conversation. "What do you mean, she has no home?" Vision asked. "She came here because..." Herb hesitated and looked at Agatha, "She came her because... She came here because we're all..." "She came here because we're all what? What are you trying to tell me?" Vision asked, he seemed very concerned now. "She came here because we're all..." "Stop it!" Agatha said, turning to face Herb. She shook her head.

Agatha grabbed y/n's shoulder and turned back around to face Vision again, a smile on her face, "Well, we better get going. That macramé's not gonna hitch itself." She rang her bike bell and winked, then she motioned at y/n to grab her bike as well. Y/n understood and grabbed her bike, putting a fake smile on her face just like her mom, then rode back to her house.

"Because we're all what?" Y/n asked her mom when they got home. Agatha looked at her daughter with a concerned expression which was quickly replaced with a comforting smile. "Nothing my love, don't worry about it." Y/n looked at her mother, confused, "I'll be upstairs then, since you don't wanna tell me what's going on." Agatha let out a sigh, "I don't know exactly what's going on either," "Well you know enough about what's happening to tell Herb to stop talking about it." Y/n replied. "Fine, I'll tell you what I know. Sit." Agatha said, motioning towards a spot on the couch next to her.

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