Obstacle Race (Chapter 21)

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It has been two weeks ever since the incident between the general course students, Gray have made sure to train his absolute hardest so he doesn't make himself a fool in front of everyone, Now we could see Gray in the changing room wearing his P.E uniform stretching himself and making sure everything was going quite well, Juvia was obviously clinging to Gray leaving an amused Yukiko and Ultear but they didn't mind. 

Kirishima: Guys, we will have to agree that we should try and aim for the top. 

Everyone (except Gray and his girlfriend): YEAHH!!!

Kirishima: Gray bro aren't you excited as well. 

Gray: me, Ultear, Yukiko and Juvia are not like you people there is no such thing as "Try" We will climb the top that's for sure. 

Momo: Aren't you a little bit to overconfident you shouldn't underestimate them. 

Gray: who said I am underestimating them, The difference between "Try" and "I will" Is really big to "try" means that you will do your best but if pushed to a corner than you just did try but when you say "you will" than that means that even when cornered you will do what you must to reach the top that is the difference between us it's all about mentality and my mentality is that I would want to walk out here with a medal.

Everyone were quiet they looked at Gray and they could now see the difference between them most of them had settled on trying but they never tried to step out of there comfort zone they look at Gray with admiration he might be cold and rude sometimes but deep down he is quite a nice person especially when they heard that he was quirkless for most of his life so his attitude was justified to them, It was then that everyone was interrupted by the voice of Present Mic. 


They walked out as they saw the stand filled to the brim with all Pro heroes and civilians alike and they were being clapped loudly. 

Iida: I hope we are still able to give our best performance is even though this eyes are watching us, I suppose it's just another aspect of being a hero we all have to learn to get used to. 

Kirishima: Present Mic sure to talk us a lot, kind of makes me feel nervous. 

Present Mic: The next class didn't have much screen time but they are filled with talent, welcome hero course Class 1B.

The other courses were introduced but they are irrelevant, Midnight was seen walking towards the stand wearing her rather revealing attire making all the boys drool. 

Kirishima: someone should talk to Mrs. Midnight about her choice of clothes. 

Kaminari: Mrs. Midnight costume should come with a warning. 

Tokoyami: How did she become a teacher at UA with that costume.

Gray: Doesn't this women have any sense of shame!

Ultear (Poker Face): Ha! like you're one to talk we are lucky that mother had made sure to train you to stop stripping everywhere. 


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