Training (Chapter 5)

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After Izuku meeting with his aunt Ur and was forced to return to his tormenter house he started gathering evidence for the next 5 years both home and school and editing it at the end of the day to highlight the important event, it was worth mentioning that the school was so crappy that they didn't notice the camera that was in class and cafeteria including outside this caught them doing there act including there confession about the reason behind the bullying which Ur found it very disgusting reason to bully someone, Izuku also learned about the girls crush on him but now he felt nothing especially when he was around Yukiko who was a major support to him and his feelings that he developed towards her which they ended up confessing after 3 years of being pushed by her there mother.

That is correct Izuku after a few weeks has started to call Ur mom which she didn't mind and was extremely happy to see that Izuku saw her as a mother figure instead of an aunt, She also started training Izuku after she managed to feed him nutritious food for the next month to build some weight so he can endure the training that she will put him through which Izuku didn't mind much considering that he was frail for his age. Izuku did have some moment were he had nightmares whenever he went to sleep at Ur place whenever his "family" left him for a day or two to travel or have fun without him so he spend those time sleeping with Ur which managed to put him to sleep instantly while she watched over him.

Izuku also started his training after his body was strong enough and the training was something he never expected, The first time he found Ur and Yukiko stripping in front of him leaving them in there underwear making him blush heavily they laughe...

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Izuku also started his training after his body was strong enough and the training was something he never expected, The first time he found Ur and Yukiko stripping in front of him leaving them in there underwear making him blush heavily they laughed at his reaction with Ur saying- To control magic you need to be one with your element that's why you have to build immunity against your magic type so you can use high tier technique. Izuku understood and said- Is that why I don't feel cold. Ur smiled and said- That is correct Gray due to your magic you already have tolerance but you can strengthen it in being in a harsher area like here for example besides Ice Make Magic is a very unique magic which gives us the freedom to create what we want, we have two type of Ice make magic, the first one being Static Ice make this type of Ice Make is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects, such as weapons, or by affecting the environment around them, Second we have Dynamic Ice Make this type of Ice-Make focuses on creating animated ice sculptures, usually in the form of animals. It is also said to be quicker to cast than Static Ice-Make. Izuku nod once more with him finally removing his clothes leaving him only his boxers making Yukiko blush but she hid it but not from Ur. Izuku felt a lot of cold and started shivering while she said- Now then let's run a few lap around the house. Izuku was shocked but knew he had to comply if he want to become strong he then started doing laps. She also started taught him some basic ice make stance by having both hand together since she forbid both of them of using one hand since she said that it's unstable when done in one hand which Yukiko used to do often before she got bonked in her head by her mother.

 She also started taught him some basic ice make stance by having both hand together since she forbid both of them of using one hand since she said that it's unstable when done in one hand which Yukiko used to do often before she got bonked in her...

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[Under Re-Write] Izuku Yagi The ice Make wizardWhere stories live. Discover now