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It has been over four decades ever since magic was gone due to a war that happened which destroyed the magic reserve of all mages except for a few who somehow survived and some even casted last spells for future purposes to help the future from ever losing magic. People were distraught when Magic practice decrease over the years and guilds started closing by each passing year until there were zero guilds out there. Despite the disappearance of magic things did take a change and a good one at that since when magic were gone there were equalities between non magic user and former magic user. Since magic was gone most of there daily work was reduced since magic helped fastened there work but that didn't change anything since the humans wanted to improve themselves to help make up for the disappearance of magic and the technology boomed and it has been improving over the years. Guilds started turning to a regular police station where people who still wanted to fight can fight but they have to maintain a certain protocol which annoyed some people but they had to comply. Those who still had magic remained silence since if word got out that magic user was still out there they would become lab rat by the government who would want to bring the magic back. 

After that Quirks started to appear and at that moment magic were forgotten and were perceived as a nothing but child stories so when quirk appeared some saw it as a disease that infected the people and a war happened between quirk supporter and non quirk supporter and it led to a lot of damage to the world until the government managed to get everything under control and created new laws with the hero profession appearing. Those who were from magic bloodline started showing there power and wrote it off as quirk hiding the true nature of there power which did go unnoticed by the government who were clueless. 

Doctor office:

Now we return to the main story, we could see two children sitting with excitement in there eyes and was staring at the doctor awaiting the result of there quirk. That is correct over the years scientist has discovered how to differentiate between a quirkless and someone with a quirk and it all depend on the joint in there pinky if you have one joint than congratulation but if you have two joint than you are quirkless and is destined to a world of pain because things have changed over the years back then 80% were quirkless while the other had quirk and people with quirk were deemed as monsters and were treated harshly but now 80% have quirk and the other were quirkless and when the hero profession appeared many saw how useful quirk can get and many people started dreaming of getting one to become heroes like in the old comic book and quirkless were treated as the lowest life form while those with quirk were treated as the next evolutionary humans many people deduced that people with quirk are getting revenge over the quirkless society for the hardship they faced when quirk was still new.

The doctor was sitting on his chair clearly upset with the result that he was shown and knew very well what might happen so he takes a deep breath before asking- Mrs. Yagi we have completed all the test required to determine your children quirk and I came with two news one which is a good one and the other is sadly a bad one I would like to hear which one you'd prefer to hear first. Inko clearly worried when she heard the word "Bad News" and could only hope that it isn't something extremely bad like being quirkless since her husband was formerly quirkless she then says- Bad news first doc! The doctor than takes a deep breath and said- It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that your son is....Quirkless! Izuku couldn't believe what he is hearing he have been told that he is quirkless his dreams shattered like hitting a glass with sledgehammer. Dropping his All Might Figurine his eyes turned lifeless the doctor could only flinch at the sight of the happy boy reduced to a lifeless kid. Inko and Izumi could only stare at Izuku with sadness and pity, an emotion which Izuku hated so much despite his kind nature "Pity" was a form of emotion he despised a lot back in Kindergarten whenever he got pushed around by strong kid like Katsuki and Todoroki when they are playing together and he get hurt easily they would also give him that same look, He never liked to be seen as an ice that could be shattered that easily he want to become a strong ice something when facing the fire of hell itself won't melt but would freeze it. That's why Izuku wanted to have quirk more than anything and if he is lucky he wanted to have an ice quirk to show the world that ice are powerful than people let on, Izuku always thought he would get an ice quirk due to his abnormal cold resistance he once walked in snow shirtless and didn't feel anything people just said that it was just strong genes since he is related to both pro heroes like his father Toshinori Yagi who is the number 1 hero All Might and his mother Inko Yagi who is the number 6 hero Magnetic but now he started to doubt if he will ever became a hero.

The doctor seeing this tried to cheer the somber mood in the room by saying- But on other hand Izumi here have Telekinesis. The mood of the room changed with Inko holding Izumi into a bear hug and said- Oh! Sweetheart isn't that great you will become a great hero. Izumi could only flail her arms in excitement before declaring- I am gonna be the number 1 hero. Izuku still haven't lost his lifeless expression as he watched his mother instead of comforting him she is celebrating Izumi none of them made a move when he was told he was quirkless they just opted to give him that look! Inko could only hold Izumi before standing up bowing to the doctor she said- Thank you for the wonderful news Doc! Izuku could only think- Wonderful news my ass! The doctor sigh and said- This is my Job Mrs. Yagi! Izuku then stood up and followed behind them while they walked in a fast pace in his own opinion given that he is 4 years old. Izumi the whole ride was pampered to extreme degree she was put on the car strapped carefully in her seat as to not get hurt and then stopping multiple times in shops so Inko could buy sweets for her precious daughter while I wasn't given a single thing this whole ride. 


I returned home after this annoying long ride with mom stopping every damn minute to buy to Izumi whatever she wanted. I really hope my father would be different and would comfort me and tell me everything is all right that I can become a hero without a quirk but that was shattered a few moment when I stepped foot in the house. Dad came running towards us asking- How did it go? what quirk did they get? Inko than said excitedly- Izumi has a telekinesis quirk! Toshinori was extremely happy that he lifted her in the air and spin her around I was honestly pissed and sad but he asked- What about Izuku? Inko than said- He is quirkless! Dad said- Oh! Before he gave me the same look "Pity" I was internally pissed he then shrugged before leaving to the kitchen to prepare gifts for Izumi. I then left to the room with anger boiling inside me they just ignored me and acted like it was nothing they will regret it one day when I prove to them that I am not a breakable ice, I will become a powerful ice that not even All Might punches can't do shit. 

[Under Re-Write] Izuku Yagi The ice Make wizardWhere stories live. Discover now