Episode 123: Enter Cure Echo!

Start from the beginning

Emily: Awwwwww, that's so cute! You guys are so cute together!

Hibiki: *madly blushing* S-shut up, Emily!

Milk: Hibiki and Kanade, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!

Hibiki and Kanade: SHUT UP!!

Hibiki: Are you happy now, V4?!

V4: Yes! Now then, I'll be on my way! Later!

*V4 leaves the room and Logan appears with Yumi and Jenny*

Kelsey: Oh, hey Logan.

Phoebe: Hey, do you hate us for getting us disqualified?

Logan: No, and I'm sorry I got upset. I have autism.

Ami: Oh, I'm sorry...

Logan: Well anyways, for my first question, Ami, Yumi and Kaz, would you guys want to have a new show on HBO Max?

Ami: Well, as much as we would love that, that sounds highly unlikely to happen seeing as how Cartoon Network refuses to so much as to acknowledge our existence...

Yumi: Honestly, the only chance we have at being seen again on TV in any way is if we're on the Boomerang app, and even THAT'S incredibly unlikely!

Logan: Hey, don't be like that! Juniper Lee got onto the Boomerang app, so who says that you girls can't?

Juniper: Logan, I was only added to the Boomerang app because they I had nothing of value to them. I know you're not trying to be mean, but by saying that Ami and Yumi have a chance of their show getting on Boomerang, that basically means you're saying they have no value to Cartoon Network.

Logan: What?! That can't be true!

Juniper: Well, it is...

*Cartoon Network Studios on April 11, 2017*

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*Cartoon Network Studios on April 11, 2017*

Juniper: What could they possibly want from me? They threw me away like trash a decade ago!

*Juniper heads inside in the main office, where the evil Christina Miller awaits...*

Juniper: What do you want, Miller?

Christina Miller: Juniper Lee, I have some VERY exciting news for you!

Juniper: Oh really? What is it?

Christina Miller: We're bringing your show back!

Juniper: Wait, you are?!

Christina Miller: That's right!


Christina Miller: On the Boomerang app!

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