I felt a strange lurching in my stomach. The feeling you get when you're about to be sick. It felt like I was about to puke my insides out and I clenched my eyes shut.

"You can open your eyes Tommy, we're safe here."

I popped my eyes open and gasped.

We were stood in what looked like a palace. It was mostly clean white and was incredibly detailed on the walls.


I dropped his hand and spun around, attempting to take it all in.

"I don't know, I can tell you everything I do know though."
"Uhhhhm... Ok!" I turned to face him. "How'd do you know about this place."

He smiled weakly and sighed.

"Lets go find somewhere to sit, this'll be along conversation."

We began walking down the countless halls. Well I say we, I more mean he led me through the never ending corridors as he began to explain to me what was happening.

"I'll say this first; I am a time traveller. This place is called the Inbetween, it is the place I go to before being taken to another timeline."
"Woah, that's sick!" I cheered.
"Yeah, it is a bit. I'm from a few months into the future of your timeline. I came back to save you."
"But- WOAH..."

He brought me into this dome room. It had other hallways connecting to it but in the centre, there was a magnificent birch tree with a swing set.

We sat down and I rocked my heels backwards and forward, swing myself back and forth slightly.

"As I was saying, why did you come to save me?"
"Because you have so much to live for. And there's a problem."
He heavily sighed "Yeah, a problem no one but you can fix."
"What's the problem, I could prepare for it!" I asked confidently.

He quietly hummed to himself and looked down at his feet.

"It's called... the Crimson egg. But it goes by many other names. It infects people's minds, makes them obey it's commands."
"Bit of a stupid name, innit." I snickered.
"Yeah." he giggled.

He smiled a bit before going all serious again.

"I've seen this thing in the past and all I know about it it that it demands blood."
"Of course it does, everything has to be so gory." I stated sarcastically.

He continued as if he hadn't heard my prior statement.

"I witnessed a whole party of people get killed off one by one because of it's manipulation from years and years in the past. But back then, it was tiny. Badboyhalo, who I'm sure you're familiar with, has been... taking care of that egg. Helping it grow. When the egg finds out about you, it'll grow a sort of hatred towards you, giving Bad that same hatred. He'll be out to kill you but don't be worried. You have me with you."

I stared into space. The past few minutes, my had had been stuffed with so much more information.

"God, my brain hurts." I rubbed the sides of my head, with my knuckles. "What about the people at home?"
"What about them?"
"What'll they think of the egg?"
"Some'll hate it, and some'll love it."
"Won't they be looking for me?"
"Nope, time is frozen here. Once you pass through though, you'll have to face them."

I continued to stare off into space as Karl explained.

"Tommy, you need to promise me something."
I looked up at him. "Swear on my life."
"No, swear on Ranboo's life, swear on Tubbo's life. Swear that you will not speak of my abilities and this place to anyone other than Karl Jacobs."
"I swear on their lives." I put my hand on my heart.

He got off of the swing and it moved from the loss of weight.

"Let's get you back to the real world."

-time skip-

"Good luck Tommy." Karl saluted me as I walked out of the doors to his house.

He went back into the house, most likely to go back to his time line and I walked down into the crater. I leant against the jagged wall in wait of, I guess, my friends. The tnt must've run out because there no longer was explosives pouring into the crater.

The first people to reach me were Niki, Tubbo and Karl.

"How'd you survive that fall Tommy!" Niki cried, pulling me into her arms.
"It doesn't matter..." Tubbo sobbed into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry Tommy,  I don't want to lose you again!"

I looked at Karl and simply stared at him, hoping he'd understand.

He raised an eyebrow and I nodded my head. His jaw dropped momentarily before he nodded at me.

Karl stepped to the side and I saw Ranboo sprinting towards me. I attempted to  wiggle out of the hug and Niki tore Tubbo away, forcing him to let go of me.

I stared at Ranboo for a few long seconds before he pulled me in for another hug. I shut my eyes and happily accepted it.

"Great seeing you again Tommy." He breathed into my ear.

I held him tighter, not saying anything in reply.

"So Shadow was you all along."

I nodded my head.

"How'd you manage to trick me like that!" He ruffled my hair and I laughed.
"Can I see Tommy?"

I recognised the voice to be Technoblade's.

"Hey Techno."

I let go of Ranboo and looked up at the pig man. I didn't know what to expect.

"Why did you scare us like that."
"Ehhh, can't think of an excuse right now. Ask me later."
"This isn't a joke."
"Yeah, I know."

I began climbing out of the crater and multiple people came to stop me.

"Listen, as much as I'd love to catch up with you guys, I need to speak to someone."
"What's more than important then right now?" Techno growled at me.
"The future." I caught Karl's eye and held our gaze. "Meet me here tonight, you know who you are."

With that I climbed out the crater and walked away. I drank an invisibility so that no one could follow me.

The destruction of L'Manburg - Tommyinnit Villain AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें