My bedroom walls must be drowning

Start from the beginning

george? You ok?

Where are you?


Sorry, got a little problem, all good now!

Ok, you gonna join or did you change your mind?

no no, i'm joining now.

Could i change my mind and just let my mind wonder? Would they be fine with that?


I clicked the buttons, soon their voices filling up my earphones, Karls laugh being extremely too loud.

"geoOOORGEE" It was Sapnap screaming, as his character fought spider on my computer screen.

"Good morning! Now PLEASE stop screaming, it's way too early for this."

I said letting out a little laugh.

"It wouldn't even be that early if you would have just went to sleep."

I felt my breath hitch.

"He didn't?"

Dream. Is he worried? Why does he sound worried?


"You didn't?"

I hated this, we were in front of way too many people and here he was, talking to me, asking me why i didn't sleep, when the answer was something i couldn't admit to even myself.

"No, had some trouble. I'm fine now though. And that reminds me, thank you Sap, i never got to say that."

"No problem George, you know you can call whenever. I hope you slept well."

"You can call me too."

Is he jealous? Is he really jealous? Why is he jealous?

"Are you jealous Dream?" It was Karl, asking the question i was dying to know.

"Yea, he is my George, he's supposed to call me."

"Oh my god"

Sapnap was laughing, Karl letting out his giggle.

He's playing his part. He's doing it for the stream. He's just playing a part.

'My George' did make the butterflies go wild though, making me let out a giggle too.

"George the chat is saying hi, say something back."

I looked at the chat seeing very well that all that they were talking about was Dreams response, it obviously making them freak out just as much as me.

Sapnap probably is trying to fill up the quietness. Or he wanted me to feel embarrassed. Or he wants me to know.

"Hi chat! How are you doing?"

The chat filled up with 'Hiii', 'good!', 'GEORGE IN CHAT', 'MY GEORGE', and then the messages asking me why i couldn't sleep.

"I'm fine, i was..thinking."

That made my eyes look at the paper, still laying on the table.

I felt my thoughts start running wild, just this time Dreams voice was filling up my earphones, making me feel so close to him, even if he was on the other side of the ocean, This time even Sapnap's voice was drained out from all the comfort it could bring, making my hands shake.

"I'll be right back, wait a second."

I left the call, taking a deep breath.

Let that man fucking live, he is just talking. Not even to me.

I opened the search bar on the computer, my fingers going on a journey, running all around the place, searching for the letters that didn't make sense, making it all that much harder.

This could mean nothing. It could be a rap song about sex and weed or money. It could be a famous love song and it would still mean nothing. It could be a funny song that he sent just for the jokes. It could be anything, it could be nothing. It didn't have to mean anything.

My bedroom walls must be drowning, soaked up with all these thoughts. With all these sleepless nights, this crying and mumbling. Filled to the trim with this love that i had nowhere to put. My bedroom walls must be sinking, so heavy from all this hurt, from all this tired. My bedroom walls must be bending, feeling so heavy from these layers of anger and happiness. My bedroom walls must be tired. Too heavy to swim anymore.

"me too. I'm sorry i'm doing this to you."

I wasn't talking to anyone. No one could respond. But i owned and apology for all this hurt i had brought in these rooms, these sheets and pillows.

Sapnap was laughing, his stream still opened on my other monitor. This time Dream had joined him and Karl was screaming something on the top of his lungs. The chat was going crazy, trying to let them know what to do or just enjoying the content, joining their laughter.

My eyes traveled back to the other monitor, my fingers hitting the search button.


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