Chapter 1-Nausea

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As Sophie woke up a wave of nausea hit her. She ran into the bathroom, puking into the toilet. "Miss Foster, this has been happening a lot lately." Sandor sighed. "I think we should go to Elwin." Sophie looked up at him, taking a big gulp out of her water bottle. "I'll call Biana. I'm not going to Elwin." She replied. Sandor just glared at her as he turned away. Sophie called Biana. "Bi." She said as soon as Biana picked up. "I've been throwing up for the last 3 weeks. Ever since that party where Keefe and I got... drunk." Bianas eyes grew wide. "I'll be there soon." She gasped, hanging up. A bright light flashed next to Sophie, making her jump. "Don'" She gasped. Biana held up a stick. "Lick this. In 30 seconds it will blink either red or green." Sophie took the stick. She licked it. "What does it do?" She asked. 28...27...26...25. "It will tell you if you're pregnant." Biana replied. 20...19...18...17...16. "I can't be!" Sophie cried stumbling back and falling against the wall. She then quickly stood up and shut the door. "No eavesdropping, Sandor." She hissed through the door. A sigh was noticeably heard. "Sophie, I think it's almost ready." Biana whispered. 5...4...3...2...1. "What does red mean?" Sophie asked, looking at the now red stick. "You're not pregnant!" Biana cried, hugging Sophie. But then the stick beeped. It turned green. "You're pregnant." Biana whispered.

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