"So you're saying I'm a Senju?"

"Yes. It's a powerful clan. For centuries, us Uchiha have butted heads with them. We've lost many men because of it; and now I have to live with one forever."

"Whoa, I didn't do anything to you Uchiha. I didn't even know what the Senju were, until now."

"Well now you know."

"Sasuke, I'm sorry for your loss, but don't blame me for it. I'm just a stupid demon container..."

Ugh, why must I cry in front of him?

I just want to go home. I'm literally living in a nightmare! "Why are you fighting this so much? It's not that bad. Don't you want to live forever? To be strong, and powerful?"

"No. I just want to continue being a stupid human, who everyone hates!"

"Naruto, I chose you for a reason; and I am never wrong!"


"Hn. We're not even married yet, and already we're fighting like crazy."

"I have to marry you? Ahhh, what the hell?!" Sasuke gave me another smirk, before running his hand through his hair. "You're going to make a beautiful bride."

"Why do I get to be the bride?"

"Because you are the 'woman' in this relationship."

"Teme, take that back!"

"I'm only speaking the truth. Deal with it, usuratonkachi."

I officially hate my life.


The next day...

Naruto walked into the kitchen, only to see some random person making breakfast; and Sasuke sitting at the table. "It's so dark in here..."

"No shit. We're vampires, remember?" Sasuke answered, looking directly into Naruto's eyes. "Ah, that's right." He said, taking the seat across from Sasuke. "Who's that?"

"Suigetsu. He's a friend of mine."

"Is he also..."

"No. He's human, just like you." Naruto felt relieved hearing that. He didn't feel so out of place now. "What's he making? It smells delicious!"

"Ramen. Itachi says it's your favorite."

"Jeez, your brother really does know everything!"


Suigetsu turned away from his cooking, and waved. "Hi Naruto-kun. It's a pleasure to meet Sasuke's mate." Mate. It still felt weird to Naruto, hearing that. "Um, it's a pleasure to meet his friend."

"Sasuke, he's adorable! It's a shame he's yours..." He said with a sigh. Naruto felt himself blush. "Uh, thanks?" Suigetsu's smile widened.

"It's Thursday, so I'm taking you have school. You are free to go, if you want."

"Huh? Really? You're going to let me go, just like that?"

"I trust you to not say anything about us." Naruto was shocked. Sasuke trusted him? Naruto smiled at the Uchiha in front of him. "Nah, I think I'll stay here for today. Gotta get closer to my boyfriend...."

"Boyfriend? You'd rather say that, than mate?"

"It's sounds more normal. Sorry but, I don't want to tell my parents that I have a 'mate'."

"So, you're going to tell you're parents about me?"

"Yeah. I hope they approve."

"Their opinion doesn't matter. But it's always nice to let them know that you'll be leaving them, and living here."

"I have to move in? Already? It can't wait....?"


Naruto looked away from the intensity of Sasuke's stare, only to find a bowl of ramen sitting in front of him. "Eat up!" Suigetsu said, as he held out a pair of chopsticks. Naruto took them, and thanked him. "Is that your breakfast?" He questioned, pointing at the cup in Sasuke's hand. "Yes." He answered, holding his gaze on Naruto.

Awkward silence...

"This is delicious, Suigetsu!"

"Thank you, Naruto-sama." Sama? It wasn't kun anymore? "I don't really get the chance to cook for anyone else, so I'm glad you like it!"

"Well you can cook for me whenever you want."

"Aww Naruto-sama! I'm so happy!" He sniffed.

Itachi walked into the kitchen, wearing only his boxers. Naruto nearly choked on his noodles at the sight in front of him. "Put some pants on, nii-san." Sasuke scolded. Itachi laughed, and continued to make his way over to the table. "Sui?"

"Got it!"

"How did you sleep, Naruto-kun? I see you wore the pajama's I placed on your bed." Sasuke had noticed it too, but didn't say anything. "I slept great. And the pajama's are comfy!"

"I'm glad. Anything for Sasuke's mate."

"Boyfriend." Sasuke corrected. Itachi cocked his head to the side, confused.

"He prefers boyfriend, instead of mate." He simply said. "I see. I apologize than. Let me rephrase that...Anything for Sasuke's boyfriend." Naruto looked at Sasuke with great curiosity. 'Teme...' He thought, with a smile. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at his 'boyfriend'. What was he smiling about?

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