Taken By The Yellow Team!

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(In The Yellow Heavy's POV)

I slowly opened the door to the room, before stepping inside with the rest of My team just behind Me.

Slowly a smirk was making it's way to My face when I looked around the room because all of them lay passed out on the floor, the Blu Scout having his arms around his counterpart while both lay in the RED Heavy's arms, I quickly noticed the strong hold that he had on the both of them.
Whitch I saw from the corner of My eye, saw Sniper getting a grin on his face before he then opened his mouth.

"Well semts like it worked Doc," He said.

"Of coure it worked who do you think that I am!" Medic snapped back.

I sighed before slowly walking over to My red counterpart knowing that anyone other then Me whoud beabel to get the two of them out of his arms?

"Hey Heavy what are you doing? I wanna take them?" Engineer, Spy samt Soldier all said at the same time.
Making Me samt oure Medic and oure own Scout grin at all of them before Medic sighed and told them that I whoud be the only one
strong enough to get them out samt free of his arms.

"Well go on try then?" Scout said standing by the door.

And Engineer did just that well he tried before asking Spy to give it a go?
My grin got even bigger when he couldn't even move the RED Heavy's arms a little bit.

"I can't move them," He growled as he gave up...

"See we told you," I said.

"Okay then you just move him samt get them both?" Sniper growled.

I slowly moved My hands forwards My red counterpart and it was easy to get them free from his arms, taking the baby into My own arms after having giving his counterpart to the Medic on My team.

Let's head back before each of them wake up and have a fit.

(End Of The Yellow Heavy's POV)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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