RED Team Comes

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(Info I'm Making The People Who Wants The Scouts.. Calld Yellow Team)
(The RED Scout is still a Baby)
(End Of The RED Soldier's POV from the last Chapter)
(With The Yellow Team. Aka Those Who Wants The BLU/RED Scout)
(The Yellow Spy's POV)

"yo got that gas ready Doc?" Engineer asked Medic.

"ja Me friends everything is Ready, it have already been testet," The Medic rubbed his hands together like He's ready to go.

"Oui that's good," I grinned, I couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when Medic uses the Sleeping gas on their Teams..

"So who on Team is going?" My big friend the Heavy asked, I bet He hope that it's Him?.
I knew that Heavy like Me and Sniper wants the Scout's. As for what Heavy wanted with one of them I didn't know!

"That is a good Question Heavy?
I think that it could be a Good ideer if We all are Gonna Go. Engineer can you go ahed and place a teleporter inoder for us to get back Quickly. As Medic had explained.
that the sleeping gas only works for about 40 minutes as it takes about 10 Minutes before it kicks in. And until it kicks in we have to keep them in the room," I said smirking...

"Sure can partner," Engie grinned.

"Let's Go Mates," Sniper sighed hedding out the door.

"Aye let's get those bloody kids," Demo grinned.

Though the only thing I thought as to be worng with this Plan were if the rest of the Scouts team's got out in time, before Medic's sleeping gas began to kick in.
That bothered Me a lot why couldn't it just be esay to get then?
Though I had a thought that it could be fun if they were not asleep. If they were on the ground attacked by us...
If I heard the sound of them as I takes the Scout away from them and keep the two locked up in a room for Me and the rest of My Team... Kept them locked behind a door that only We knew where were.. Where I/we could come and go just when I/we wants to!
With that thought in My mind I left oure base with the rest.

(End Of The Yellow Spy's POV)
(With the BLU Team also there are the RED Spy and Sniper)
(RED's Spy's POV)

(RED's Spy's Voice)
"Soldier you there?"

I heard a sound then Soldier's voice as it came out though the mic.

(RED's Soldier Voice)
"Spy What's Worng! Have You Been Seen by the Enemy?"

I had sat My mic on sound trak so everyone in the room heard what was being said.

(RED's Spy's Voice)
"Well in a way oui... But Soldier come Quickly the Team's help is needed here?... But I must ask you to Not hurt the BLU Team when you come!"

(RED's Soldier's Voice)

"Soldier what's worng why are ya bloody yelling?" I heard Demo's voice in the background..

I didn't care the only thing, that I cared about right now were that the rest of My team came here as fast as they could..
But right now Soldier's being a stupid idiot... That He won't even give Me the chance to tell Him, and about what Me and Sniper had found when we got here.

(RED's Spy's Voice)
"Soldier Get Here Now,"

(RED's Soldier's Voice)

(RED's Spy's Voice)

(RED's Soldier's Voice)

(Call Ended)
(Still In The RED Spy's POV)

Somehow I just knew that Soldier had also nodded. But still it's Soldier and well you know...

Scout's A Baby Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant