They Are Heard

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(With The RED Sniper and Spy Outside The BLU Bace)
(The RED Sniper's POV)

I left My van with Spy, as we had just made it to the Entrance of thire Bace. We had to be careful from now on and the both of us knew that.
That's was also why I asked Spy to move ahed with without Me and check if there were Someone from
BLU nearbay..

Spy left inside and Without Me. I stood just outside the bace in silence and waited for Him to get back...
I jumpet when after about 5 minutes
The said man (Spy) is standing still beside Me and was looking at Me like I had something on My face... Just what Was so funny that Spy just had to scare Me like that?

"There all inside the Living room so come on," Spy said.. I gave Him a Really look, I didn't want Spy to fucking lie right up My face!

"Really?" I asked. We had oure Guns with us but still two People against a hole team?!

"Oui they are, let us move," this time Spy growled, and just went inside without Me again.

"Comming mate," I calld and quickly ran in after him.

(End Of The RED Sniper's POV)
(Back With The BLU Team Just Outside The Leving Room)
(Back To The BLU Scout's POV)
(The One That's Not A Baby)

"Demo go get some food for the Baby?" Pyro said looking at the still small hungry and crying child.

"Aye," Demo said and left.

"Come... let's go inside the living room, you can tell us what happened and what you found out about th-" Engineer cut himself off and growled.
"Ohhh no!" now Engie's looking Somewere on the floor? Why I looked down with the rest of the Team. Looking around the floor and saw nothing... Wait Nothing? Where's the bodies of those Two?!

Holy Crap No... Just fucking no... No don't tell Me that they really do have their own Respawn and that they just have a respawned system that's working somewere. T-they were just gonna keep comming back now! until they have One or the both of Us!?... That are'nt gonna happ'en right..

thinking Medic rubbed his hands together when he saw that the bodies were gone just gone..

All of a sudden I felt like I couldn't breath. I was having a panic attack. thinking of what could or hell can happen if they were to come back? Had they really Respawned Somewere out there just now?
And if they had... But What Happens if they Do Get the Chance to Take The Both of us?... The RED Scout couldn't even fight,, He's a fucking Baby!, hell it was only Me who could put up a fucking fight.

"Scout come down!... Scout?" Medic said while quickly coming over to hug Me, looking worried about something?
I looked at his face confused.. Medic was't even looking at My face but down My body. I looked down at Myself and to My Surprise.
My body was shaking a lot, was I really that scared of what could have happend if they had gotten away with the Both of us?!

"Son you okay?" Engie asked.

I said a yeah. But I knew that all of them could tell that it was a lie and that I was not okay?
(Yeah Even Soldier Could Tell)
I looked over at Soldier, who seems to be thinking hard about something.

We went into living room and I sat down with the Rest of My Team, with the RED Scout's head on My Shoulder, and his crying also seems to have stoppet but he was still shaking scared...
I pulled the Baby closer, Scout mead a little happy sound and stopped shaking.

"Where do Scout sleep and with who? He can't sleep alone?" Demo asked slowly comming back into the room. He closed the door behind him. Demo then sat down next to Heavy and Pyro, after giving Me the Scout's food... I began to feed him, He began to eat the food as I gave it to Him.

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