Two RED's Know

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(End Of The RED Spy's POV)
(BLU Base. Also It's Still In The Hall With The RED Sniper and Spy)
(It's The RED Sniper's POV)

"Mate what do you think?... do We Go in? or go back and tell the Team. About well this?" I asked, keeping My voice down like Spy had done before.
I was confused, worried about more then one thing.
But Me and Spy we needed Answers from the BLU Team.. About where oure Scout was and what they had done to Him!?.
But still I didn't know what the BLU Team would say, or do when they Saw Me and Spy?
Two RED's inside their Bace.
I bet they know where My little Scout is... But how do we get the, the answers we need from them.
Because I sure that they are Not gonna make it Esay and if all of them are in the room, they could just kill Me and Spy... and or Capture us both, and by doing that makes it essay for the BLU Team to Win the Battles...

Spy chuckled and said that We should go in and to check it out. Whatever this or it was?...
After some time to think about what could happen of bad or good things.
I nodded, we walked into the Leving room of the BLU Base.
Where they were all in, and I won't lie I was kind of scared but I couldn't let Spy know.

"I know your Scared Sniper. I am to but don't be worried? We're in this together right?" Spy said as He faced Me just before we were about to enter I just looked at Spy then a smirk came on My face.

We could Do this... It was for Scout after all... My Scout?

(End Of The RED Sniper's POV)
(Meanwhile inside the Room)
(BLU Team and the RED Baby Scout)
(The Baby is still Asleep on the BLU Scout's lap, with his head on the other Scout's Shoulder)
(Inside The Room. The BLU Team
talked about whather or not they shoud tell the RED Team about.. well about thrie Scout's Condition?
(It's The BLU Medic's POV)

I knew someone was outside the door. I just didn't know Who or why. Was it the same People from before had they more with them? Was they back so soon? I hope not!..
But it could also be someone from the RED Team? I didn't know, I had'nt even had time to make some test on the RED Scout.. Well now that the RED Scout had become a little Baby Boy...
If it was something He had been drinking then. We need to find out What? so that we can turn Him back.
Eventhough He's the enemy I'm support of My enemys if they really needs Help, and I know that My RED Counterpart is the same.

(End Of The BLU Medic's POV)
(The BLU Scout's POV)
(The RED's Scout is still asleep on his lap with his head on the BLU Scout's Shoulder)

We were just talking about the RED Scout and his Team.
And if it was a Good ideer to give Him back as things were right now... With those Two People Who were after us!

I thought it was the best to let them know, they were probably worried as fuck about Him.
I don't know Why but for some wired Reason the others don't want them to know what's goning on? as the things were now...
But why they could help us when or if they came back.? The RED Team could help and it couldn't hurt if they knew. It was thire Scout after all and as well as Getting to know Scout's Condition.. right?!

My thoughts were cut off by someone opening the door who was it, it couldn't be someone from My Team we were all here? Could it be the same Spy and Sniper from before who were after us... No I didn't think so.... They couldn't have come back so Quickly and if so could I even belive it?! No respawn system was that fast to give you life Again.
Then I saw who it was... A Spy and a Sniper in RED... Wait RED, shit they were from His Team.
Soldier got up to shoute at them but was quickly cut off by the RED Spy who yelled.

"WHERE IS SCOUT WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" Spy yelled comming.

"hold on you Tw-" Engie was cut off by the RED Sniper.

"WHERE IS HE MATE?!" the RED Sniper yelled Himself.

Ohh no... Just no. I thought as Scout's eyes widen in fear and now with tears...

"What the.. Bloody hell... who is that?" The RED Sniper growled. looking at Me, well more like they were looking at the baby Boy who had been asleep just before they came inside..

When none of us answered Him, The Spy Became more angry and the Spy got His Gun ready? I'm like really dude Guns we havn't hurt Him or shit! "Well are you gonna answer?" He glared.

I looking around Myself and asked My Team about who was gonna tell them the bad news, and They just looked at Me. Gess I just have to tell them.

"I'm gonna tell you but wait to ask your Questions Until I'm done," I said and they nodded. I toldt them everything that happend...

"This here is your... Scout.
I know what you think that it was us... But we didn't do noth'ing to Him, and My Spy found Him after the last Death Match we had... Then just about an hour agog when I was about to feed Scout.
I was hedding to the living room with Him. when I heard someone's voice from the room.
I desided to listen in on the Conversation.
What I mean by that is that I found out a few of the things going on!.
They said how they mead Him into a Baby. Scout had been drinking something doing or just after the last Death Match that We had...
When the one who was there were about to move in to get Scout. My Spy passed by and found Him.
T-then the last thing I heard before Scout started crying was that they are after The Both of us. Both Me and Him. I don't know Why?
They heard Scout's crying, I got scared. I turned around to run and get us Somewere save, all but I didn't get fare when I heard a Gun shot from behind Me.
If My Team didn't show up when they did. They would have gotten us Both,"
I said. Scared of what the Two RED's were gonna do!
Both sighed and asked if it was the Truth.

My Soldier nodded mening that I only told them the Truth, to witch I had. The RED Spy put his Gun away..

(End Of The BLU Scout's POV)
(The BLU Sniper's POV)

"So do you belive Him?" I asked shocked when they both nodded they belived Scout... Wow.

"What now?" The other Sniper in the room asked frightened looking at the Baby. Well His Scout.
But right at that moment. I realized that My RED counterpart was in Love with his Scout. I didn't know what we were gonna do now. The rest of the RED Team still needed to know about Scout's Condition.

"Say you bloody RED's are ya gonna get your Team here?" Demoman asked.

I'm not Sure if that's such a bad idder at all Demo.

Words 1263

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