Solly and Engie Know

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(With the BLU Spy)
(It Is Also Still In The BLU Spy's POV)

As I got to the hall where all the Bedrooms were on, started the walk down the hall to My room with the Scout's head on My left shoulder.
I tog a turn to the right and then went left into the hall all of the Bedrooms were on.
I stoppede up dead in My traks, when I again saw the Engineer sitting in the hall near the Engineer's own room with a guitar in his hands and a bottle of beer next to Him...
But this time Engineer. noticed Me and I saw that Engie was about to give Me,, his 'Howdy' but he stopped when he saw WHAT I was holding in My arms... I was a little scared that He was gonna start yelling.

"Now spah what do you think yer doing with that kid here in this war?" crap I thought as I knew that Engie was using his 'Don't touch that darn thing' voice I also knew that I would get a wrench on the head if I lies or if I Dare to even TRY to lie.

"Can I explain this in the morning...'m a bit tired and the kid needs sleep," I said hoping to get away but. yeah like that could fucking Work on Him.

"No Spy, you tell ME who in gods name is the kid?" ok maybe not... I was at the dead end, now come to think of it everytime I even had a Secret even if it was only a little one Engie ALWAYS finds out, that's just dam Him but How?

"Ok... but you might 'ot beleive Me," I said, the texan nodded anyway.

"As I was 'alking through the sewers after today's last Death Match, saw some RED clothes on the sewer floors,'ad a look then I saw this," I said gesteing to the now sleeping baby Scout that I was holding in My arms. The engineer gave him some different looks before nodding.

"Well Spy, I beleive ya," What He believes Me and as of now I was shocked.. he did... Engie saw the truth in My eyes. I smiles and mothed a 'Thank you'. The texan nodded and gave Me a smile himself.

"Now you best be off then. Don't worrie about dinner tonight I'll bring you both some and say that your Sick or Ill.. Or something like that," I nodded and started to walk again to My room.

But then Engineer quickly got up and put a hand on My shoulder to get back his attention. "Just somethings I need to tell ya before you go.... and ask ya. One: Tomorrow we have a day off so we will first tell our team mates about Him!" He said pointing to the Scout "And two:... is that Really the RED Scout or..." Before he had a chance to finish, I nodded sadly.

"Okay so after we tell our team mates about Himwe will all go and Try to get the red's to beleive us and then We will give him back.
We Are all also gonna help them find a Cure to this?" I nodded again and watched the Engineer go back to what he was doing before.
I sighed and started making his way down the hall, to My room it's going to be a long night... For both Me and The RED Scout.

(Aka the Baby Scout)

As I got to My room and closed the door then placed the Scout onto My bed.
After I had made sure there were pillows by each side of him incase he falls. I sighed, took off the blu mask I had on and placed it on My desk, and I then removed My revolver, butterfly knife and My sapper and placed them into a drawer in My desk.

I took out My desguise Kit then took a ciggaret and put in My mouth, as I was about to light it up when a little gurgling sound was heard.
I turned around and saw Scout playing with one of the pillows.
I smilled then.... frowned... what the Hell was I just about to do? Hell what was I even doing? I couldn't smoke when a kid is here....

I sighed while removing the ciggaret from My mouth and placing it in the bin, then I sat down on the bed next to the baby Scout and watched him. It took about 8 minutes for the Scout to relize there was someone next to him.

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