Chapter 34

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"Ow! Ow! Ok I get it! Matt get off!"

"See you can't handle a drunk he walk all over you" A dirty blonde held back Thomas's arm as his boot was pressing down on his spine.

"That was Judo! What drunk can do Judo!" Thomas struggled to move as he screamed as the older teen twisted his arm. "You be surprised! What kind of trainer would I be if you got beat up by a drunk martial artist or a karate hobo"

Move away he avoided a kick to the leg and moved a few steps to let Thomas up.

Slowly sitting up he moved his shoulder in a circle before swinging an arm again missing. "Give me a minute to kick your ass"

"You better not be this bad when your out on the field." Matthew held back a laugh as he looked over the other trainees who were holding their own.  Matthew shook his head and sat on a near by bench, slouching over as he watched Thomas pop his back over the dirt road.

"I can handle a drunk guy if it was real. Your just too skilled for your big ego" Thomas stood brushing off dirt.

"What did you say Junior?" With a quickness Matthew was in his face making Thomas back a step off in surprise.

Both met eyes. Matthew was a foot taller with more muscular arms and a bigger torso. His light brown eyes challenged Thomas's as he got more in his face. ''Repeat yourself shortie. I'm not deaf"

With a fast step he dodged an upper cut moving behind before he kicked behind the taller teen.

Falling back, landing on his hands and knees he smiled as he watched his teacher hit the dirt cursing loudly.

"You heard me" Thomas stood as he crossed his arms rasing a brow.

Laying on the dirt Matthew looked upward as Thomas and a few others were grinning down at him.

"Now give me a minute to kick your ass" Matthew shoved himself up. Rubbing his neck he stood up.

"Imitation is a B" Matthew stood popping his neck.

"B? I knocked you on the ground. Your just mad I actually got you"

"You backed away and showed a hint of hesitation. It's not bad to be nervous but don't let others see it."

Walking past him Matthew pressed a button for break as the rest went inside a small barn. "And Yeah you hurt my feelings" He gave a half smile walking inside.

Rolling his eyes Thomas followed as the small group all sat down at round tables. Most with trainers to talk over their performance.

Thomas has been with Matthew for a few weeks and both got along fine. Most of the time both just wanted to see who could knock down the other.

"You did fine tho. But I'm serious about stealth use that to your advantage" Both sat and began eating.

Keeping to themselves they continued eating. It was a combo of different meats mostly beef.

"So Tom...." Matthew looked over giving a mischievous look. "Got a question for you"

Thomas raised a brow peeking up.

"Are the rumors true? About why your at the berry farm?"

Thomas bit his tongue mid chew giving a confused look to the other guys at the table who were nodding and giving grins. "I...what rumors exactly?"

"We don't mind just don't get too distracted. It's a very secret and quiet spot. I know a lot of people don't go over there." The group laughed as Thomas still looked confused.

'Quiet spot? What did they mean I won't do anything over there. And they shouldn't know about Charlie'

"What rumor?'' Thomas lowered his arms.

"It's very romantic. Especially with a cute guard over there" Matthew hummed

The group grinned to him as he stared for three whole seconds before his face turned a bit red. "Oh my god Evelyn" He covered his face as the group burst out laughing.

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