The light crunching of a protein bar being bitten into forced your guard to stay up. Hoodie stood behind you, only about a foot away, as he calmly ate his meal. The feeling of his eyes staring you down was anything but comforting, but you couldn't exactly tell him to stop.


You looked up in surprise as two people made their presence known. Your eyes widened. Emery. She stood behind the tall man known as Jack, her body shaking and her eyes afraid. To your surprise and relief, she didn't look too beat up. Though she was obviously terrified, only a couple of small bruises blemished her skin. You were glad she was okay, well, as okay as a kidnapped woman could be.

Her gaze slowly rose and met yours. A spark of concern and relief appearing in her eyes, only to quickly fade at the tug of her arm towards the pantry. Jack made no attempt of acknowledging neither you nor Hoodie as he yanked open the doors and quickly pulled out another protein bar. Once the food was obtained, he dragged her over to the table and pushed her into the seat that was across from you. The both of you sat at the heads of the table with your captors closely behind. You formed uneasy eye-contact with Emery as your grip on your spoon tightened. One serial killer in a room with you was far too many, but two was even worse.

"Eat." Jack ordered as he slammed the bar down on the table in front of Emery. She flinched at the loud noise and sudden movement, her lip now quivering with fear. You frowned at the sight and returned to silently eating, despite the disturbance of your friend's mistreatment. Unlike Hoodie, Jack hadn't gotten himself anything to eat as he watched Emery, only crossing his arms and staring at her. Based on the stories you've read of him, you weren't exactly surprised. He apparently survived on the innards of humans, though some said he also consumed animal organs. Which theory was correct, you weren't sure. However, you could imagine that he didn't usually eat in front of his peers.

Hoodie stepped away from your side with his mask now fully on once again and tossed his wrapper into a nearby trashcan. Soon after you finished eating as well. Leaving Emery cowering under Jack's gaze as she nibbled on the bar. She looked extremely uncomfortable, and it was a real punch to the gut that you couldn't do anything about it.

Pushing your chair back, you slowly stood up with the bowl in your hands and looked over to Hoodie. He waved you over to the sink where you set the dish down and rinsed it out, him grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge as you did so. He glanced back to you before heading out of the room,

"Come on."

Taking one last regretful look at Emery, you sighed and followed after him. The house was unnervingly silent other than the light sound of footsteps. Not even the birds outside could be heard singing their morning tune. No words were exchanged between anyone as you followed Hoodie out of the kitchen and eventually out of the mansion.

Luckily, sound returned to your ears, bringing you a bit of comfort, though not enough to make you any less tense. Each time you were brought somewhere you couldn't help but worry that the fights had come a few days early.

"Alright." Hoodie began, stopping you at the familiar side of the house he had previously made you run by. He set down the bottles of water in the grass before turning around to face you with his arms uncrossed, "Do some warm-up stretches first, you do know how to do that, don't you?"

You gave a slight nod before you rolled your shoulders and turned from side to side to stretch out your back. After doing the absolute bare minimum, you stopped and looked at him once more.

"You'll need to do better than that later on, but whatever," he huffed in annoyance, shaking his head a bit. You frowned and watched as Hoodie moved into a fighting stance, "Stand with the leg on your dominant side forward and the other behind, and keep your knees loose."

You studied his pose before copying it to the best of your ability, though you were sure it looked far more unnatural than his.

Hoodie then raised his arms with balled fists, "Good. Now raise your dominant hand," he brought his right hand up to eye-level with it a good five inches from his face. With a nod, you followed along.

After a few more adjustments, you stood in a fighting stance that he deemed as good enough to move on. Next, you were told how to shift your weight to add more power to your hits, then there was turning your wrists, which was surprisingly more difficult to remember than one would think. Constant reminders were thrown at you each time you punched the air, when doing one thing correctly, something else was off. Though, surprisingly Hoodie was fairly patient about the whole teaching process. While he seemed like a calmer man than the others you'd met, he obviously had little patience for disobedience and you were honestly a bit surprised by his composure. Though, you were certainly thankful for it.

You weren't exactly used to this environment, and you doubted you'd live long enough to ever be. Which didn't make picking up a new skill very easy. Your thoughts were still running wild, especially after seeing Emery so terrified. And even more so by the fact that you had yet to see Jade's current state. Jeff was known by everyone to be an extremely violent man with an incredibly short temper. Based on what you've seen about him, and how he's acted around you so far, you have a hunch that he's not very pleasant to have as a captor. Sadie was covered in bruises and Emery was filled to the brim with terror, but Jade, Jade was unaccounted for. And you were honestly afraid to know how she was doing, as much as you wanted to see her.

"Stop." Hoodie suddenly ordered, his palm catching your fist with ease for emphasis. You pulled your hand away from his as you looked up at him in question. He said nothing as he swiftly bent down and grabbed both bottles of water, handing one to you. You took it and examined it with silent caution. It was unopened as everything had been thus far, and the heat from the sun had caused moisture to build on the sides of its plastic container, wetting your hands a bit. Feeling that your mouth was quite dry, you disregarded your worries and opened it before taking a few sips. You sighed with relief and wiped the excess away from your lips before setting it back down and preparing for whatever was next.

Hoodie dropped his bottle beside yours and nodded, "Get back into the stance," he paused and stared at you until you did so. "Now, for blocking you need to make sure you keep an arm near your face at all times." You nodded and rechecked where your hand was, making sure one was just below your chin.

"Good. Now——"

Another hour passed, and soon no matter how much you tried, you could hardly pick up your arms. Your muscles ached, and you definitely wished that you had done a better job stretching. With his usual sigh, Hoodie gave up trying to get you to do more and simply grabbed your wrist, pulling you back towards the house. Damn, apparently punching the air for two hours wasn't good enough for him. You trudged after him, your legs wobbling as you went. Hoodie, unfortunately, felt no sympathy for your pain and continued leading you with his routine fast pace. Your legs burned, but he wasn't concerned one bit.

Then again, you couldn't expect much more, at this point you were surprised that you were even still alive.

6.3 pages · 2,170 words

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