Chapter ~ 7

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Ramnath: Sidharth, you?

Vani: Who else could it be? How foolish was I to trust you and send her with you every Sunday just for the sake of your friendship. Your parents are suffering from a loss of one child and the other one is so shameless.

Ramnath: How on earth can you blame him alone when our own upbringing can equally participate in such shameless act.

Vani: Amol go and call his parents.

Sana: Mumma please, don't do this. They are mourning.

Vani: If you had so much respect for us, then you wouldn't have done this.

Amol gets his parents.

Vani: Prema look at this.

Prema: What is it?

Vani: Sana's blood test report which I got via courier today. She is pregnant.

Prema: Huh?? (Surprised)

Sana was standing with her head down and Sidharth stood infront of her like her shield to protect her from her mother.

Vani: And your son, Sidharth has just confessed that it's his child.

Ananth and Prema looked at him in shock.

Ananth: Sidharth? Is this true?

Sidharth: Yes Baba. I love her and that's my child.

Prema: Love her? Since when? You didn't write a single letter to her in these 6 years and now in this 1 and a half month. She is pregnant with your child. Sidharth you are lying. Aren't you?

Vani: He did write a letter to her and he was the one who roamed with her every Sunday since the time he came here.

Prema: (slaps Sidharth) I didn't expect this from you. I curse myself for forcing you to come here for 2 months. You don't deserve us and our love. I should have let you rot in Mumbai itself. Get the hell out of our lives.

Ananth: One minute, what about her and the child? He can't escape his responsibility so easily!

Prema: So what do you suggest?

Ananth: Marriage!

Everyone was shocked.

Prema: How is it possible? Our Shivu passed away 5 days back and if they marry now, the news will go out to the entire town. People will spit on us.

Ramnath: If we don't then also people will spit on us once when her belly will pop out in few months.

Ananth: Lets get them secretly married by going to another town soon.

Both of their parents agreed.

Vani: Sidharth and Sana, your punishment is still not over. Sidharth will take Sana with him to Mumbai soon after marriage. By this people will not know about it and you will know the consequences of your act when you face the responsibility.

Within next 2 days the family get them married in a different town secretly. There was no makeup, no fancy clothes, no expensive jewelry, no relatives, no band/music or fancy lights nor any sweet dishes or lavish food. None of them had a smile on their face. It was indeed a punishment than a celebration to all who were present.

They returned home. Sidharth and Sana were to go to Mumbai few days after the 11th day ceremony of Shivam till then they stayed in their respective house. Neither Sana nor Sidharth communicated to each other since Shivam's death.

Sidharth looked at Sana who sat in prayer meet on 11th day. Her eyes were red and there was a dark circle which formed under her eyes.

How painful it is to lose your love! Who can understand the pain better than me? She lost her love, she was forced into marrying me and she is an expecting mother. I must keep her happy as it is important for her and baby's health.

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