Chapter ~ 4

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Shivam: Aayi, you know I don't like making changes in my plans. Please understand, I want to do something for my country, I am joining the Army. That's final.

Sidharth and Sana's mouth were open agape in shock. Sidharth looked at Sana and he was even more shocked, her eyes were filled with tears. She just ran from there because she wanted to cry loudly and since they were hearing the conversation hidingly, she couldn't let them know.

Sidharth ran behind her. She ran to her terrace and sulked.

Sidharth: Sana, what happened? Why are you crying all of the sudden? Did you remember something?

Sana: Siddu please go from here. I need to cry please. I don't want to cry infront of you.

Sidharth: Yes dear, I am not stopping you from crying. I am just asking you the reason, that's it! May be I can help you.

She covered her face in her palm, shoke her heads from left to right gesturing no and sulked.

Sidharth: Okay okay fine I am sitting near the stairs. Tell me once you have cried your heart out but please don't ask me to leave. I can't leave you crying like this.

She kept weeping covering her face while Sidharth sat near the stairs. His heart was aching as her tears were the last thing he wanted to see in this world. It was almost 15 minutes and she still didn't call him.

He got up and went home. He returned back in 5 minutes and went close to her where she was sitting with her head hidden between her knees. She had stopped crying but was now embarrassed because Sidharth was there.

Sidharth bent down and kept a water bottle and paper cup and went back on the stairs with another paper cup. It was again a paper cup phone with string connecting both the cups.

She lifted her head as she heard his footsteps going back. She uncapped the bottle and gulped huge sip of water as her mouth and throat was dry due to crying. She picked the cup and slightly pulled the string to signal him that she was ready to speak with him. He immediately put his ear, but she wasn't talking. He spoke into it.

Sidharth: Sana, do you want to share the reason with me now?

Sana: Siddu... (Clears her throat) Shivu... Shivam is going to join army!

Sidharth: I heard that Sana but why are you sulking?

Sana: I don't want him to go far from us.

Sidharth: Yes, we don't want him to go but he won't listen to us if he has already made up his mind. But why would you cry so much, I being his brother haven't been so disturbed. What's wrong with you?

Sana: Siddu.. aa.. aaa.. I like him.

Sidharth: Huh? We all like him.

Sana: No.. I like him in another way!

Sidharth was silent, he knew what she was saying yet he didn't wanted to believe or accept it. He wanted her to say something else which would make his decryption of unspoken words into opposite from his thought.

Sana: I admire him and secretly crush over him.

His world was shattered with those clearer words spoken from her mouth. His mouth dried and eyes were filled with tears. His ears were burning as if somebody as poured molten wax in it. His head spun around. He just didn't know what to say or what to do.

Sana: I have never told this to anyone. Not even him. But now he is going far from me. I am scared of losing him. (Starts crying)

Sidharth's eye lashes which held the big droplets of tear blinked and the tear fell on the stair. He wiped his eyes and put up all the courage because he still couldn't see her crying.

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