Chapter ~ 5

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It was time when Prema and Ananth were returning home. Sana knew the train schedule. She checked online if the train was on time and it was. Exactly after 15 minutes from train arrival, Sana went near the front gate and started watering the plants in her garden.

Ramnath: Sani, what are you doing? Who waters the plant at noon? Your mom had anyways watered it in the morning itself.

Sana: Baba, I read it online that during summer plants also feel thirsty like us, so watering it in noon makes it grow well!

Ramnath: But it's the month of August, and it's monsoon season Sani.

Sana: Huhh? Oh yeah, I forgot. I'll pick the flowers instead to make garland for Bappa.

Ramnath: (laughs) As you wish. It's still festive season and there is lots of demand for sweets. Can't leave the accounts with employees. Chal me nightho, Dukhanala.{Okay, I need to go to our Sweet mart}

While Ramnath went on talking, Sana's eyes were glued to the road, to check for Sidharth's mom and dad's arrival.

Sana: okay, Baba.

Ramnath started his motorbike and leaves. On the other hand Ananth and Prema's cab pulls over to the side. Sana's face brightens as she looks at them. While Ananth paid the cab driver, Prema looks at Sana. They pass a huge smile at eachother.

Sana: Aayi, how are you?

Prema: I am fine Pori {Girl}. How are you?

Sana: I am fine too. How is Sidharth?

Prema: He is fine. Come over! (She gestures her to come)

Sana leaves the pipe in her hand and turns off the tap before going to Sidharth's house. Sana picks up Prema's suitcase and pulls inside to help her even though Ananth tells her that he will manage.

Once they go in, Sana goes inside the kitchen and gets the water from filter for them to drink. They had been very close friends and that's how they shared a family like bond and comfort. Prema and Sana sat on the sofa.

Sana: Aayi, how is Sidharth?

Prema smiles as Sana was asking the same question again. She pulls out her phone and shows her the pictures they clicked while they were there. Sana's happiness was seen in her eyes as she saw the pictures. In all the photos, her eyes only followed him. She took her permission and emailed the pictures to herself. She reopened them and carefully looked at them.

Sana: Aayi, he has become thin.

Prema: No, I don't think so.

Sana: Yes, aayi. Look, there are dark circles under his eyes. Is he studying so much that he doesn't sleep well?

Prema: Yes, he is studying very well.

Sana: Does he get good food in hostel? Who takes care of his laundry?

Prema: He told me that he misses the food I prepared for him. He has to do everything on his own, laundry being one of the task.

Sana: Oh dear! Aayi, did he send me any message?

Prema sealed her lips and nodded no in disappointment. Sana felt hurt as her face hung down.

Sana: (pushed a fake smile) I am also a fool, he washes his clothes, studies, participates in various competitions, etc. How can he write a message for me? He doesn't even sleep properly so no worries aayi. May be when he is free he will surely contact me.(her voice was almost choking) Aayi, I need to go, I remembered something urgent.

She bit her lower lips to hold herself from crying and raced back to the terrace of her house. It was her usual place to cry post Sidharth went to hostel.

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