Chapter 13: The Gaze

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'what just hhappened'!

Every molecule of intelligence and brain capabilities June possessed had been obliterated from her body by Junang's sudden act.

June stood there in open cold for few ecstatic minutes until she was stirred by a gentle push.

"You better come inside or you would catch cold". Dean was pulling her to come under shade.

She finally connected to the world after Dean shook her shoulder the third time in need to communicate, "the keys?"

"What?" June forced herself to talk.

"The keys, Boss?" Dean asked the fourth time and was slightly worried if she was again over ruled by this Korean demon.

June came around and remembered the keys of their room was with her. The Square boys were waiting impatiently to get the rooms after a long tiring flight. She quickened her steps.


As soon as June came inside, she bowed her head apologetically with a "sagwaheyo" and without looking at any of them, she led them into a massive room, a stunningly lavish space that's sanctioned off into individual seating areas by the positioning of the grand sofa, big relaxing chairs and long tables. The place where they were allotted was quite awe inspiring!

She was hesitating on the threshold while watching all of them stridden into the room ahead of her. She sensed a pair of burning eyes was hovering at her bare neck and waiting her to step inside.

June cleared her throat and announced, "Your dinner will be served as soon as you give them a call. Dial 2" Showing them the phone, "and we all will be available 24/7 in case of any need. Your rehearsal session starts from 10 in the morning, is that okay with you?" and looked at Nam for an answer.

"No problem, June." Nam replied showing a thumb.

"Okay then! We will leave you to rest", signalled Dae-Min and went straight out of the room.

Avantika and Dean followed her lead and came outside. She gave them a verbal instructions and few norms that were to be followed.

June was striving to feed her conscience with formal duties and responsibilities. When it comes to doing a job, no one can beat her professionalism. But inside her flesh, she was a complete mess!

She placed her hand on Dae-Min's shoulder and listened attentively what he was projecting. After some 'yes' and 'no' they decided to call it a day.

They were heading out when the door behind them swung open and Max came out. June approached to him and asked whether they had faced any trouble.

Max implored, "Would it be okay if we could dine with you guys at the cafeteria".

Avantika jumped into an exclusive excitement after hearing the proposal. She made a small hop in exhilaration and grinned, "yessss... by all means. We will make sure no one invades your privacy".

Dae-min welcomed their proposal intently, "cafeteria at this hour will be less crowded, I suppose, so that won't be an issue."

Dean added, "let me take care of it" and dialled the number to the manager of the cafeteria.

June was as silent as a stone, unwilling to follow the disaster to all intents and purposes. Her heart that was resting for a moment, now apparently became an eye of a storm.

"Okaei.. perfect! Pure pleasure, Max"! Drawing Avantika's attention, she implored, "lead them the way, I'm off to lab, I left my phone there". She bowed again and left the place hurriedly.

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