Meeting of Empresses

Start from the beginning


Kurfürst: Why do you have a towel on in the water?

Yamato: That's...what your supposed to do

Kurfürst: Oh...schieße

Yamato: What's wrong?

Kurfürst: It's not much of a problem, but I didn't put my towel on

Yamato: Well you're right, it's not much of a problem, I truly don't care

Kurfürst: You know, I like you already

Yamato:*smiles* I'm flattered Kury


Kurfürst: What did you say?

Yamato: Hm? I said Ku-

Yamato stopped herself mid speech, covering her mouth with her hands. Kurfürst bore holes into Yamato, while the Pacific battleship looked on in panic.

Kurfürst: How do you know that name?!

Yamato: I-I thought it was a good nickname!

Kurfürst glared at her, before shifting and stepping out of the pool.

Yamato: Where are you going?

Kurfürst: Somewhere, but I've been here long enough

Kurfürst left the bath house, leaving Yamato there alone.

Yamato: I...I struck a nerve there, didn't I?

She looked down at a locket she hid behind her neck, pulling it to the front, it was a small trinket that opened up, revealing a picture treasured by the battleship.

Yamato: She can't know, not yet...I'll have to remain a ghost to her until then

She looked to where Kurfürst once sat, the towel she used to dry left there.

Yamato:...I'm sorry, but you need to endure this just a little longer
Later that day, the shrine's garden was occupied by Mutsu, who was setting up a blanket. She was smiling and humming to herself as she set everything up, specifically, she was setting a meeting.

Mutsu wanted her Oba-san to meet the Empress.

With everything in place, Mutsu went off to get the tea, which she prepared everything the night before. Upon returning with the kettle in hand, she went out to fetch the two super battleships, excited to have them meet.


After a short time, Yamato came into the garden. Sitting down on the blanket, she could feel the butterflies building up in her stomach, her first meeting with Kurfürst wasn't pleasant.

Yamato: I hope she's still up to talk about things

She heard the soft footsteps of Mutsu, as well as the loud clanking of Kurfürst's armor. If seeing it was intimidating, hearing it was just as bad.

Soon enough, the two rounded the corner, Mutsu was sporting a smile while Kurfürst was staring at Yamato, she could tell it wasn't from anger, but nothing else.

Mutsu: Oba-san! This is the Empress of the Pacific, Yamato!

Kurfürst: We met earlier today Mutsu

Mutsu: What?!

Mutsu's ears dropped, a depressed aura emanated from her.

Mutsu:*depressed* I was hoping to introduce you like a hero...

Kurfürst: Uhh...It's alright Mutsu, we just talked for a few minutes

Kurfürst picked her up and plopped her on the blanket, then went to her side of it, where she sat crisscross.

Mutsu: I'm sorry for the display empress

Yamato: It's alright Mutsu, you did nothing wrong

Kurfürst: So then, Yamato?

Yamato: Yes?

Kurfürst: I would like to know about your accomplishments, if you're willing to share some stories

Yamato: Oh, well...

Kurfürst: Something wrong? You're sweating

Yamato: I'm perfectly fine! It's just that...I have to decide what story to tell you, that's all

Kurfürst: Ahh, then take your time! I've got plenty of my own so it's hard to choose which to tell

Yamato: I understand that as well

Mutsu: Wait...Lady Yamato, you haven't been ou-

Yamato quickly clasped her hand over Mutsu's mouth.

Yamato: -Out on a stroll recently! I haven't been able to walk around since I've been swamped with work! Right Mutsu?

She removed her hands from Mutsu's mouth, as the little girl only nodded.

Yamato: Good, so if you excuse me-


The radio stationed in the middle of them, for emergencies, started to blare. Thinking fast, Kurfürst picked it up and turned it on.

Kurfürst: *radio* This is Großer Kurfürst, who am I talking too?

?: *radio* This is IJN Azuma, why are you on this line?

Kurfürst: *radio* That's not the point, why did you radio in?

Azuma: *radio* We have intel on a siren fleet of unknown size near the Hokkaido, is lady Mutsu there?

Kurfürst: Here Mutsu, take it

She handed the radio to Mutsu, who lost her childish act and changed to her Commander persona, pride swelled in Kurfürst.

Mutsu: Ok then, gather other capable ships and set sail

She turned off the radio and looked at Kurfürst.

Mutsu: Sorry for the interruption, Oba-san, Yamato-dono. But with this, we'll have to conclude our time

Kurfürst: I'm guessing you're not going?

Mutsu: I can't, since I'm the one running everything on base until neechan comes back, I can't risk myself

Kurfürst: If that's the case...


Yamato: Why are you looking at me like that?

Kurfürst smiled, she then grabbed Yamato's hand.

Kurfürst: You and I are going Siren hunting!

Mutsu/Yamato: WHAT?!

Kurfürst: That's right! So let's go!

Kurfürst was humming to herself, eyes closed and a smile on her face as she dragged away the struggling and scared Battleship.

Mutsu just watched




Mutsu: Well then...Yamato, you're about to die

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