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The next morning I decide while Cam and Alissa are asleep I would go check on Maria

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The next morning I decide while Cam and Alissa are asleep I would go check on Maria.

I walk into the room and she's got her face in her phone. I knock on her door and she smiles when she sees me.

"Hi! I just wanted to come and check on you." I smile.

"Thanks for coming by Sierrah but I'm doing good. They may let me go home this evening." She said.

"Oh, that's great Maria. Umm, do you want to see Alissa?" I ask.

"No that's ok. I think it's easier this way. The nurse said the lady is coming for me to sign the papers. I know you will take care of her." She smiled.

"We are very grateful for what you have given us. If you ever change your mind just let us know ok? Cam is in the room with the baby or he would have come in as well.

A knock on the door and it was the lady from the adoption place. "Is this a bad time?" She asked.

"No, come on in I'm ready to sign my baby away," Maria said.

Shockingly, she is just signing her away so easily but I get it shes sixteen but not much younger than me and I'm married with two kids.

I watch as Maria signs her rights away and smiles at me. Mrs. Baines whenever the baby is released you are free to take her home. They will be bringing you the birth certificate to fill out shortly." She said.

"Thank you so much," I said as she left.

"I know how to find you if I ever feel like I want to see what she looks like but I don't think I will. After school is over I'm going to move to California to go to college and maybe one day I'll have more children that I want to keep." Maria said.

"That sounds like a plan. I'll let you rest but I just wanted to thank you again for everything!" I said reaching out and squeezing her hand.

"You are more than welcome!" Maria smiles.

"Take care, Maria," I said walking out the door and tearing up. When I walk back into our room Cam is holding Alissa looking out the window.

"Hey, I wondered where you went." He said.

"I went to talk to Maria and well she signed over her rights when I was in there. They will be bringing the birth certificate up to us soon." I said.

"Wow, this moves fast. I was hoping she wouldn't change her mind." He said.

"No, she doesn't want kids now. She wants to finish school and go to college in California." I said.

"Well I'm glad she has a plan then and well so we do and our family is complete." He smiled.

Later that day we signed everything we needed to and gave Alissa her name and we were headed home knowing all the family would be there wanting to meet her.

When we got home Violet met us at the door. "Sorry everyone is waiting to meet this little angel." She smiled.

I watch as Cam gets Alissa out of the carrier and heads over to Gray who is holding Ryker. "Ryker look it's your baby sister," Cam said.

"Baby!" He smiles.

Julia walks over and puts her hands on her hips. "No Uncle Am No!" She said.

The whole room laughed as Cam turned around and looked at her.

"Julia you cant be like that. Uncle Am loves all of you. Don't you want to meet your baby cousin?" He asked.

She shook her head no and ran to her dad. I couldn't help but laugh. Cam was losing points with Julia fast.

After Ryker got to see the baby I watched as everyone took turns holding Alissa.

"So how was the mother?" Mom asked.

"Maria was good and she didn't want to hold Alissa or even see her but I understand it's too hard," I said.

"I couldn't imagine giving her up." Mom said.

"I was in the room with her when she signed her rights away and she just didn't care but I mean she is sixteen and she wants to finish school and go to college in California I don't think a baby was on the agenda," I said.

"She sure is beautiful Sierrah Alice and already has me wrapped." Gray laughs.

"Can an old man hold his great-granddaughter yet?" Grandpa laughs.

"Fine old man and then I want her back." Gray laughed.

"Excuse me? A few of us want to hold her." Uncle Levi said.

"I ordered a bunch of Chinese food for us to pig out I hope that's ok." Aunt Avah said.

"Oh, that's great I'm hungry." Violet laughed.

A couple of hours later and everyone left and it was quiet I was happy for the peace for a while before one of the kids cried.

We ended up painting a room for Alissa that's pink and purple with a llama theme. It's so cute and of course, Julia has to have her room because baby or not she will want to stay the night.

I walk upstairs and find Cam rocking Alissa to sleep with a bottle in her mouth and Ryker sitting in his playpen playing with a Jinx stuffed cat.

"I will go get him down while you finish getting her down," I said.

"Sounds like a plan sunshine. I think I have this covered." He smiled.

I carried Ryker to his room and changed his diaper and clothes into a sleeper and kiss his head as I lay him down in his bed with his Jinx cat. "I love you, Ryker. Nite my sweet boy." I said cutting the light off and the nightlight on.

I walk across the hall and find Cam putting Alissa in her crib and staring down at her.

"We have two beautiful children don't we?" I said putting my arm around him.

"They are something else sunshine and I am one blessed man for sure." He smiled and leaned down for a kiss.

(Next Chapter is the Epilogue) 😢🤧

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