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We are finally getting on a schedule with Ryker

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We are finally getting on a schedule with Ryker. As bad as Cam hates it he is back at work with Uncle Levi and I get to stay home but I promised I would bring Ryker to the shop today since everyone hasn't seen him yet.

I change his diaper and put a cute outfit on him and lotioned him up and combed what little hair he had. "Oh don't you look handsome like daddy."

I pick him up and bounce him a few minutes while I gather up his diaper bag and head to the car. I put Ryker in his car seat and head downtown to the shop.

When I pull up it's busy but I get Ryker's car seat out and cover his head until we go inside.

Corey sees me and makes a beeline over to me to take the car seat. We go over to one of the couches and Corey sets the seat down. "I carried him because I want to see him." He laughed.

"Let me get him out and you can hold him." I smile.

"Dang he's beautiful. I've seen pictures but it doesn't do him justice." Corey said as I put Ryker in his arms.

"Thank you we are so happy that he is here." I smile.

"He looks like both of you," Corey said.

"That's what everyone says." I smile looking around when Abira walks over after waiting on her last customer.

"Look at this cute little man," Abira said.

"How is everything going? The cats are ok?" I ask.

"Everything is perfect. I do need to order some supplies and I know I can I just like to ask first." Corey said.

"Don't ask if you need to order just do it if we need it I won't question it. Just don't buy anything for yourself." I laugh.

A little lady walked over. "Oh, he's such a cutie. You don't even look like you gave birth honey." She said.

"Thank you!" I smile at her.

"That's the best part you don't have to lose weight. But Violet is probably already a stick by now." Abira laughed.

"Actually she is. She comes over every day to see him." I said.

Corey passed Ryker over to Abira so he could go help some customers when my dad walked in and when he saw me and Ryker he got out of line and walked over to us.

"Hi, dad." I smile.

"Hi, sweetheart! I didn't think I would see you guys today." He said sitting down in the big yellow chair.

"I wanted Corey to meet Ryker and Leigh if she was here but she's not yet," I said.

"Well it gives me time to see my handsome boy," Dad said as Abira handed Ryker over to him.

I love watching my dad be a grandpa. Ryker sure has a tribe of strong men around him.

"Your mom is going to be jealous that she didn't get to see Ryker." He laughed.

"She will find an excuse to come over and bring food." I laugh.

"You know her well and you know maybe I did see your car over here and was hoping you had Ryker with you because you don't have a babysitter." He said.

"I don't plan on getting one. I can work from home and honestly, Corey does such a great job that I don't even need to be here." I said.

"That's good! I'm proud of you Sierrah Alice and you are a great mother already." He said.

"Thanks, dad! I had a lot of great role models growing up." I smile.

"We tried our best Sierrah and I hope you know we are always there for you guys." He said.

"Oh, dad we know that," I said as Ryker begins to cry.

"Here he wants mom." Dad laughed.

"Of course give him back when he's screaming. He's probably hungry." I said.

"Oh well, I can feed him." He said sitting back in the chair getting comfortable.

I get the bottle out of the bag and hand it to him when Cam walked in. "Hey, sunshine! I saw your car. Imagine my surprise to find Gray holding Ryker." He laughed.

"I saw her car too and well I wanted to hold my grandson," Gray smirked.

"It's all good I mean I knew I was going to see him at home but I stopped by. I told Coop to come over tonight so we can have dinner together. I was going to pick up food." Cam said.

"Oh yeah, that sounds perfect." I smile.

"Hattie is going to watch the kids and well Ryker will more than likely sleep so I'm going to stop at that Italian restaurant and get spaghetti," Cam said.

"That sounds delicious guys. Maybe I'll stop get some for us tonight at home. I'm sure your mom would like a break from cooking." Dad said burping Ryker.

"Well I'm going to head on and get that picked up and I'll meet you at home Sunshine," Cam said.

"Sounds good we will be along shortly. Love you." I said puckering up my lips.

Cam walked over and kissed me and headed out the door.

"So a big fancy dinner huh?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, we want to ask them to be the godparents of Ryker. We thought that was only fair." I smile.

"They will be happy about that for sure. Well, as bad as I hate to I have to give him up so you can get going." Dad said.

"I'll bring him over on the weekend so you can spend time with him or come by anytime you know I am home of the days now," I said fastening him in his seat.

"I'll carry him out for you," Dad said.

"Thanks, dad! Let me say bye to everyone first." I said walking up to the counter. I say my goodbyes and Dad carries Ryker out and puts him in the car. I kiss his cheek and we head our separate ways.

 I kiss his cheek and we head our separate ways

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