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Once Sierrah left I had to take a cold shower

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Once Sierrah left I had to take a cold shower. Damn her body is hot and I would love to see her naked but I have more morals than that.

If whatever is going on between us is going somewhere and leads into a relationship then that's a different story but I know she's never been with anyone and even though my little buddy wants her I have to wait.

I jerk one out before I get out of the shower and head to bed. I pull the covers down and get in when my phone beeps.

📱Just wanted you to know that I made it home.

📱I'm glad that you did sunshine. Thanks for coming over.

📱Yeah, I left all hot and bothered lol.

📱How do you think I feel? I just took a cold shower.

📱Jesus Cam are you naked in the bed?

📱Maybe but it's time for you to get some sleep. Nite Sunshine!

📱Fiiiiiine Nite Cam! 💛

I lay my phone down beside my pillow and turn over. How am I going to hold her off while trying not to stay hard around her? I am in deep shit.

I close my eyes and go to sleep. I'm startled awake when someone is ringing my doorbell off. I jump out of bed and throw on some shorts and run downstairs.

I open the door to see Violet holding a crying Julia. "What's the matter?"

"I can't get her to quit crying and I'm puking my guts up. Please take her for a little while."

I take Julia from her and she smiles at me through her tears. I wipe her tears away and walk into the living room with her and bounce her while I cut the tv on to some cartoons.

"Go on home Violet. I'll bring her up before I head into work. That should give you an hour." I said.

"You are a lifesaver! Thanks, Cam." She said wiping her face and walked out the door.

"So pretty girl why are you giving your mom such a hard time?" I said to Julia and she just smiles with her big green eyes.

I guess I need to call Levi and let him know I'm going to be late.

📞Cam, what's up?

📞Levi I'm going to be a little late. I have Julia this morning.

📞Violet ok?

📞Just tired and throwing up and I think maybe just needed a break.

📞Gotcha! Well, we have it covered so just come in when you can.

📞Thanks, Levi! See you later.

I hang up the phone and tuck Julia under my arm and we watch SpongeBob together. It isn't long until she is asleep.

I pick up my phone and text Sierrah.

📱Hey, I'm going to be late but I told Levi. I have Julia this morning.

📱How come you have her?

📱Violet brought her over. She was throwing up and crying and needed a break.

📱Where is Coop?

📱I'm not sure I didn't ask. I've been watching SpongeBob with her and she's now asleep so I'm going to get ready and I'll see you soon.

📱Alright, see you then.💛

I put the phone in my pocket and pick up Julia and carry her upstairs. I lay her on the bed and place pillows all around so she doesn't roll-off.

I get dressed for the day and as I go to put my keys in my pocket the doorbell rings. I look back at Julia and she's still asleep.

I open the door to a smiling Coop. "Hey man!"

"Come on in Coop. Julia is upstairs asleep on the bed." I said.

"I'm sorry Violet brought her to you and making you late for work." He said.

"No it's fine I talked to Levi and he was ok with it. Violet ok? She looked rough." I said.

"This puking thing has her really down. I had to pull over a couple of times this morning so she could throw up. She's just miserable." He said.

"It's really ok. We watched Spongebob and then she fell asleep. I was about to gather her up and bring her over." I said.

"I really appreciate you. I went to town to get her some meds. I haven't been gone that long." Coop said.

"I didn't ask where you were I just took Julia. Let me go upstairs and get her." I said.

I head upstairs and Julia looks over smiling at me. "Well, you are already up arent you pretty girl." I smile at her and tickle her belly.

I lean down and blow raspberries on her neck and she squeals out. "Come on your daddy is waiting on you." I said picking her up.'

When I walk downstairs she sees her daddy and giggles. "She was awake when I went up there," I said.

"She's probably hungry and needs a diaper change and I'm assuming Violet didn't bring anything?" Coop asks.

"No, she just handed me, Julia." I laugh handing her over.

"Thanks again, Cam! We appreciate it." Coop said.

"It's fine Coop. I enjoy spending time with this one." I said

He leaves and I lock the door and head out to my truck and head toward the shop.

Before I go in I make the reservation at the blue plate tomorrow night to celebrate Sierrah's birthday. I made the reservation for seven and head inside and get started right away.

I didn't see Sierrah until almost the end of our shift. "Hey, I made a reservation for tomorrow night at seven," I said.

"Sounds good. How do I dress?" She asked.

"Something nice. I'm taking you back to the blue plate." I said.

"Oh yay I loved that place. I will have to buy a new dress when I leave here." She giggles.

I love the sound of her giggling. She smiles and picks up her papers. "I need to go now so I can find a dress."

"Well be careful and I guess I'll talk to you later. Bye Sunshine." I smile.

"Bye Cam." She said as she walked out the door and my eyes were glued to her ass.

Until You (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora