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When I wake up I realize that was no dream and that I really do have cancer

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When I wake up I realize that was no dream and that I really do have cancer. I wipe the tears from my eyes and get out of the bed and rush to the bathroom to pee and fix my hair.

I slip on some different clothes because I don't want to talk to my family in PJs. I hear Julia giggling so I know some of them are already here.

I head downstairs and see Cam holding Julia. I walk over to them and smile at Julia and she leans into me for a kiss. She didn't know how much I needed that.

"Hey, guys! Thanks for coming!" I said to Violet and Coop.

"It's no problem. We have missed you guys!" Coop said.

"I'm hungry! Can we order pizza?" Violet asked.

"I'm not hungry but if you want to you can," I said just as the doorbell rang.

Cam went to open the door with Julia in his arms and I see my mom and dad walk in. I look around and everyone is smiling and I hate to tell them what's going on but with surgery fast approaching I can't wait.

"You guys come have a seat. We have something important to talk to you guys about." I said.

"Then why isn't everyone here?" Violet said.

"I figured you guys could tell everyone else," Cam said sitting down bouncing Julia on his lap before handing her over to Coop.

"Sierrah Alice I'm getting worried so can you just tell us?" Dad said.

"So Cam and I had been talking about what comes next after marriage which is babies and so we made an appointment with doctor Sally a few weeks ago and they did blood work," I said.

"Oh my god, Si are you pregnant?" Violet asked.

I shake my head no... "No umm we went back today and she wanted to do a CT scan on me because my blood count was low," I said tearing up looking over at Cam.

"Umm yeah, so Doctor Sally showed us an image and Sierrah has ovarian cancer," Cam said squeezing my hand.

"Oh god!" Mom cries out.

Dad gets up and rushes over to comfort me. "So what's next?" He asked.

"The only way is for her to have a complete hysterectomy and it's scheduled for Friday morning," Cam said.

"Oh, Sierrah I'm so sorry." Violet cried walking over bending down in front of me along with mom.

"We will get through his baby girl," Gray said rubbing his eyes.

"I'm so scared. The doctor said that I may not need chemo it's a wait and see kinda thing." I said wiping my nose.

"We will help you with anything you need Sierrah." Coop said.

"I appreciate all of you guys. I'm trying to cope and understand how I got this so young but I'm glad we went to the doctor or I would have never known because my cycle is never right." I said.

Julia was crying reaching for Cam and he took her from Coop and once on his lap she reaches over for me and I took her from Cam and she wrapped her little arms around my neck.

I just cried. She knew what I needed and I'm sad that this will never happen for me. I will never be a mother.

I look over at Cam and he's smiling at me. I know this is hard on him too. He's so worried that I won't be ok.

"So what time is your surgery on Friday?" Violet asks.

"I not sure yet. Doctor Sally said that they would call and schedule it but that it would be really early." I said.

"We all want to come and be with Cam while you have the surgery," Dad said.

"I appreciate that you guys," Cam said.

Julia smiles at me and kisses my cheek and pulls on my hair gently. I smother her with kisses and it makes me get my mind off what is going on inside my body.

An hour later they all leave and my phone starts blowing up but I can't answer it. Cam talks to Uncle Levi and Grandpa and even Abira called to see how I am.

Cam put Corey in charge of making sure things are running smoothly at Coffee Meow while I am off recuperating.

Cam asks if I will go outside and sit with him and try and unwind. He grabs the cover and we cuddle up and he wraps his arm around me.

"Sunshine you know I will be with you every step of the way, right? If I could take the cancer and have it for you I would." He said.

Tears drip down my face when I look up at him. "I know you mean that too." I sniff.

He leans over and kisses my tears away. "I love you so much Sunshine. I can't live without you. I plan to grow old with you here on this deck. Maybe with a bunch of cats." He laughs

"Cats huh? I think I can do those but kids I'm not sure about." I said.

"Hey, we have plenty of ways to have children if that's what we want later but right now we have to get you healthy again." He said kissing the side of my head.

"Yeah, first we need to get married. I guess while I'm down I can be useful and do some planning. Do you care what date it is?" I ask.

"Nope, I don't care at all as long you meet me at the alter." He said.

"Can we get married on the beach down there in front of the house?" I ask.

"Sounds perfect sunshine. What color do you want?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet. My favorite color is yellow but I don't want a yellow dress. Maybe yellow flowers would be cute." I smile.

"Whatever makes you happy I'm down for. I would marry you tomorrow if I could." He smiled.

"We have plenty of time to figure things out." I smile at him.

"That's right Sunshine we have plenty of time." He said leaning over for a kiss.

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