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I pick up the food and get home right before Sierrah

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I pick up the food and get home right before Sierrah. I texted Coop and told them to come on up.

By the time I walk in and get the food on the counter Sierrah pulls up so I walk back out to help her get Ryker in.

"Hey, Sunshine! I just got here." I smile.

"Good I'm starving." She laughed as we walked inside. I got Ryker out of the carrier and held him.

A few minutes later Coop and Violet walked up. "Hey, guys!" Coop said.

"Just in time to eat," Sierrah said getting out plates and silverware.

"I'm going to put Ryker in the bassinet and let him sleep while we eat," I said kissing his forehead.

When I returned everyone was sitting at the table waiting on me. I take a seat and we all dig in.

"We appreciate the invite over guys!" Violet said.

"Your welcome. We invited you guys over because we have an agenda." Sierrah laughed.

"No, I'm not having any more kids for you." Violet laughed.

I laugh... "No, it's not that. We wanted you guys to come over because we have a question." I said.

"Ok, what?" Coop asked.

I look over at Sierrah and she smiles. "Umm, we wanted to know if you would be Ryker's godparents?" She asked.

"Of course we will! Yes!" Violet said.

"You know we would love to." Coop said.

"That's a relief. We didn't think you would say no but we thought you guys were the fitting choice." I said.

"We didn't need to be buttered up for this but I'm glad you did because I'm hungry." Violet laughed.

"You are always hungry V." Coop laughed.

"Well yeah that's true but I never turn down a good meal and also I love that baby in there and I would do anything for him." Violet smiled.

"As we would do anything for Julia and Tyler," I said.

"Julia would never let you get away from her." Coop laughed.

"Yeah, she carries that cat around everywhere and says am kitty." Violet snorted.

Sierrah and I laugh because Violet's snorting always makes people laugh. We finish our food and Coop helps me clean up while Violet and Sierrah go check on Ryker and If I know better Violet cant wait to get her hands on him.

"So are you getting any sleep at night with him?" Coop asked.

"Yeah we are and sometimes we have to take turns but Sierrah mostly gets up with him since I have to work," I said.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure it's a plus that she can work from home." Coop said cleaning off the rest of the table.

I grab us a beer and we head to the living room with the girls and Violet had Ryker in her arms kissing on him.

"I see both of you guys in him for sure. I'm glad he doesn't look like me because then we would have trouble." Violet said.

"Are you going to kidnap my kid?" Sierrah laughed.

"No, I don't plan to steal him. I have two trouble makers of my own." Violet snorts.

"Yes, you do," I said leaning back on the couch taking another drink.

Ryker starts crying and Violet gets up and takes him upstairs to change his diaper.

"Mom duty is never done," Sierrah said following them upstairs.

"I'm glad to let them take care of that mess." I laugh.

"Yeah, I have a hard time changing those diapers and gag a little, and V makes fun of me." Coop laughs.

"I'm ok until the poop gets on me and then I start gagging." I laugh just as the girls walk back into the room with Ryker.

"Can I hold my nephew now?" Coop asks.

"Sure now that he's clean." Violet laughs.

"If Julia smells Ryker on either of you she's going to be mad." I laugh.

"Oh, she's been saying some stuff in the last couple of days." Violet laughs.

"Like what?" Sierrrah.

"Oh, Si she says "Am mine." Violet laughs.

"I think I am the one in trouble then." I laugh.

"You think? Cam she's not going to be happy because she always has all of your attention." Sierrah said.

"I guess I have to figure out how to still make sure she gets my attention," I said.

"Yeah, good luck with that." Coop laughs.

"Well, we better get home and relieve Hattie. If the kids aren't asleep she's probably pulling her hair out." Violet laughed.

"We are glad you guys got to come by and hang out with us," I said.

"For sure! Thanks for the food." Coop said.

"No problem! Nite guys." I said.

Once I shut and locked the door Sierrah was in the kitchen leaning against the counter. "That went great." She smiled.

"It sure did. Ryker has godparents now." I said walking back into the living room. I walked over to the bassinet and see that Ryker is sleeping so I don't disturb him.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me, Cam?" She asked.

"As long as it's not a sappy love story or someone dying of cancer." I laugh.

"Yeah, that was not the right movie to watch when I had cancer but I was kinda having a potty party back then. If I could go back and tell myself I was going to be ok and we would have a baby and happy ever after I wouldn't have got so worked up." She said.

"But sunshine we didn't know that everything would be fine or that we would have Ryker. I'm not sure when Violet decided to help us." I said.

"She told me the day I was in surgery and you all were sitting in the waiting room she decided she wanted to help us," Sierrah said.

"Wow, I didn't realize," I said.

"She said she was hugging you in the waiting room and you were so upset and she just knew." She said.

"Violet never fails to surprise me." I smile.

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