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Two weeks have passed since Sierrah and I decided to start seeing each other

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Two weeks have passed since Sierrah and I decided to start seeing each other. I'm here at her shop with Levi and Larry trying to get things finished up.

Davis really pulled through and got her the latte machine and her dishwasher and sink and even had it installed so we didn't have to do anything.

We are putting up some crown molding and put the name on the door and I even put up the rope lights that she wanted.

All is left is for the furniture to be delivered and her sign on the outside to be put up.

Sierrah walks in looking beautiful in her signature yellow color. She had on an off the shoulder top and some tight jeans just the way I like it. But this time she comes in with her friend Markie who I have yet to meet since he didn't show up to her birthday party.

She walks over smiling at me. I stop what I'm doing and lean down and kiss her cheek. "Hey, Sunshine," I smile.

"Hey, Cam I wanted you to meet my best friend Markie! I have told him all about you. "Markie this is Cam." She said.

"It's nice to finally meet you." He said holding out his hand. I shook his hand quickly and then picked up the tool I was working with.

"Likewise," I said.

"Markie is going to be working for me for a while so I wanted him to meet you since we are dating." She smiled really big.

"We don't have much left to do here. I just need to hang up your sign." I said.

"I could help with that if you need it," Markie said.

"Oh, thanks but I got it." I smile and walk away from the two. Something about him I don't like but I'll stay quiet for now.

I go outside grab a ladder and begin working on the sign when Levi walks out. "I don't know about you but I don't like that guy." He laughed.

"Why do you think I'm out here? I don't like him either and I just met him. Something about him creeps me out." I said.

"I think we need to keep an eye on him," Levi said helping me with the sign.

As we finish getting the sign up a delivery truck shows up and starts to unload all the furniture that Sierrah bought.

I walk back inside and she is giggling with Markie about something but she seems so excited about this furniture.

All I see is green and yellow. I was going to stay and help her arrange it but seems like Markie has that covered.

I gather up my tools and put them in my toolbox and walk them out to my truck. I have a notion to just leave but I need to be the better man and tell her bye.

I walk back inside and Markie is placing a plant on a shelf so I walk over to her. "We are finished for the day so I'm heading out."

"Oh, you don't want to stay and help us move furniture around?" She said poking out her bottom lip.

"Sorry but not with him," I said shrugging my shoulders and walking away.

"Cam wait!" She calls out.

I stop and turn around. "I can make him leave if you want to stay." She said.

"Nah I'm good. I'm going home to shower and go check on Julia after. Talk later." I said walking out the door.

I don't like the guy and he gets under my skin and I just need to calm down before I say something to her I don't mean.

I get in my truck and head home to take a shower. Once done I put on some comfy clothes and my hat and jog up to Coop's.

I knock on the door knowing they are at work. Hattie opens the door smiling. "Hi, Hattie! How's my girl?"

"Hi, Cameron! She's in the playpen playing if you want to go see her.

I smile and walk into the living room and when she sees me she giggles and reaches for me.

"At least some girl appreciates my company." I smile picking her up and kissing her cheek.

Hattie walks into the room. "Cameron I'm going to go fold laundry holler if you need me."

"We should be fine but thanks, Hattie." I smile at her.

I blow raspberries on Julia's cheek and she giggles. She sits on my lap and looks up at me and I take a pic and send it to Violet.

📱I made that lol. What are you doing with Julia? Is she crying again?

📱No, she's fine I just wanted to come to spend time with my girl.

📱Sounds like a story there but I gotta go. Kiss her for me. love ya!

📱I will love ya too.

I grab a teething ring laying beside me that looks like keys and shake it at Julia and she babbles and sticks it in her mouth.

I rock her in my arms until she falls asleep.  My phone pings but my hands are full and I can't be bothered. I kiss Julia on the head and take her upstairs to her bed and lay her down.

When I walk back downstairs Hattie is in the kitchen. "She is sound asleep Hattie and I put her in her bed," I said.

"Thank you, Cameron! That little girl loves you so much. I appreciate you last night." She smiled.

I grabbed a pen and paper off the counter and wrote my number down. "Call if you need me. I'm just two houses down." I said.

"Thank you! Have a good night!" She said.

"You too Hattie!" I smiled walking out the door.  As I jog back to my place I pull out my phone and see a text from Sierrah.

📱Cam, I'm really sorry that you left the way you did. I would pick you over and over before I would Markie. I'm sorry.

📱Thanks! I spent the evening with Julia and now I'm headed to bed goodnight.

I place the phone in my pocket and grab a water out of the fridge and walk out on the deck and sit down.

The breeze feels great. I know I was an ass to Sierrah and it's nice to know she picks me but she still stayed there with him. I sigh and close my eyes.

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