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My emotions are all over the place since Violet said I could stay in the room

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My emotions are all over the place since Violet said I could stay in the room. I'm happy but the tears keep streaming down my face.

Cam walked over to me and wiped my face. "If you can't be in here we can go home." He said.

"No! Cam I want to be here. This may be my only chance to see life brought into the world." I sniff.

"Alright, then I just wanted to ask in case it's too much." He said hugging me tightly.

"Are you guys ok? I mean I'm the one about to birth a human." Violet snorts.

I walk over to her bed... "Cam was just making sure this wasn't too much for me but I'm honored really and if I cry just ignore me." I smile through tears.

Violet grabs my hand... "I love you and I wish with all my heart this could happen for you Si." She said squeezing my fingers.

A little more time passes and the nurse comes back to check Violet and she is now at a ten. It's time to push.

Cam gets at her head and holds her hand. I'm on the other side holding a leg and Coop is opposite me holding her other leg.

"V you ok?" Coop asks.

"Oh I'm peachy you know I'm about to birth a human and everyone is looking at my private part." She laughed.

"Bish your vagina is huge!" I said then covered my mouth.

"Some of us didn't want to know that Sunshine." Cam laughed.

Dr. Sally shook her head and tried not to laugh as she told Violet to push. Cam counted with her and she pushed and I saw hair.

"OMG I see hair!" I giggle.

Violet looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Of course he has hair." She said.

After about five or six pushes Tyler's face is out. I feel like I could faint but I don't want to miss a minute of this. "Oh, he looks so cute!" I cry.

"You see him?" Cam asked.

"Just his head is out," I said watching as Violet gives another big push and he comes right on out.

"Congratulations your son has arrived." Dr. Sally said holding him up and placing him on Violet's stomach while Coop cuts the cord.

"We need to take him and wash him up and weigh him." She said.

I walk up to the head of the bed where Violet is crying and I lean down and hug her. "He's beautiful Violet and I'm proud of you."

"I'm glad you could be here Si. Both of you actually." She smiled.

Dr. Sally brought Tyler back over and placed him on Violet's chest. He was beautiful and I was happy for her even though I was jealous. I can't wait to hold him.

"Can I send our family a pic and say he is here Violet?" I ask.

"Sure and then send the pic to Coop so he can send it to his family please." She smiled.

📱Dad pass this picture along but baby Tyler is here!

📱Dad pass this picture along but baby Tyler is here!

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📱Wow! He's a whopper! Tell them congrats.

📱I will! I got to watch him be born and it was awesome. Love you dad! ❤️

📱That was nice of Violet to let you stay. Love you too Sierrah Alice.

"Dad said he would pass it along." I smile over at Cam and he's staring at Tyler.

Violet passes him over to Coop to hold his son and Coop can't take his eyes off of Tyler.

"I think he looks like me." Cam laughs.

"Oh my gosh, Cam! He does not look like you he looks like Coop." I said.

"I do all the hard work and he looks like his daddy but that's ok he's a looker anyway," Violet said.

"Thanks, V. I think he's pretty cute myself." Coop laughed.

"You guys go ahead and hold him," Violet said.

"I want him first!" I said to Cam.

"Fine, you can hold him first. Save the best for last anyways." Cam laughed.

When Coop placed him in my arms I teared up. "You are so beautiful Tyler and I can't wait to watch you grow up into someone amazing," I said kissing him on the head as he squeezed my finger.

I held him a few minutes when Cam came over for his turn. He took Tyler from me and held him a few minutes when he started crying and Cam took him over to Violet.

"We should get going and let you get some rest but call if you need anything ok?" I said to Violet.

"I'm so glad you guys got to be here but go home and celebrate what's left of your wedding night." Violet laughed.

"Bye love you guys!" I said as we walked out and Cam fist-bumped Coop.

We get in the truck and I stare up at the hospital and I wish so hard that was me. I feel like something is missing but I need to focus on my new husband and our life together.

"You are quite over there sunshine are you ok?" Cam asked slipping my hand in his.

"I'm ok I mean I'm happy for them but I wish that was me and of course I'm a little jealous but I'm just going to focus on us and we will see where it takes us," I said looking over at him.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go home and eat some cake and celebrate our wedding and maybe even have a first dance since we didn't get to." He said.

"That all sounds good to me. If I know my mom as I do I bet our fridge is full of food." I laugh.

"Well, even I know that statement is a fact." Cam laughs.

We pull up at the house and walk in and go straight to the fridge and open the door to a bunch of food in the fridge.

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