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Being a mom has been the most rewarding thing

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Being a mom has been the most rewarding thing. Now I see why women do it over and over.

Ryker is six months old now and he is really becoming his own person. He's babbling more and definitely more active but he sleeps through the night finally.

I got him down for a nap and I head downstairs to clean up and catch up on laundry. He should nap a few hours.

There was a knock on the door and I know it's Violet because she won't ring the bell in case Ryker is asleep.

"Hey come on in," I said when she stuck her head in the open door.

"I didn't want to wake Ryker if he's napping." She said.

"He is napping finally and I was just cleaning up and catching up on laundry. Where is your bunch?" I ask.

"Little miss bossy was watching cartoons and Tyler was taking a nap." She laughed.

"Still planning on taking them down to the beach when Ryker wakes up?" I ask.

"Yeah sounds good and Julia has been asking to go to the beach," Violet said.

"Aww well we can make sandcastles with her but it's not the same as what Cam does of course." I roll my eyes.

"Oh god don't get me started with that child and her obsession with Cam." She laughed.

"Oh I know she was seriously mad every time she saw Cam hold Ryker." I laugh.

"Can you tell she's, my crazy kid?" Violet laughs.

"Are you sure you don't want anymore kids?" I ask.

"No hell no. I'm so done with that and I think Coop is good with it too. I'm happy to be back at work and I don't want to be a big cow again." She laughs.

"You were beautiful pregnant. I still wish I could get that way just so I know how it is but we are incredibly blessed with the one we have and thank the lord he sleeps through the night now." I laugh.

We head out on the deck with some lemonade I made and I carried the baby monitor just in case he wakes up.

We sit and talk and bs a couple of hours and when Ryker woke up crying Violet went and got him and changed his diaper and clothes got him beach-ready while I got his bottles and snacks ready.

We walked up together and grabbed her two kids and went down to the beach. I spread out the blanket and we sit and I helped Julia make a sandcastle while Violet fed Ryker and Tyler played with blocks on the blanket.

We had been there a little while when Cam and Coop showed up. "AM!" Julia screamed.

"Thanks, Julia we all needed to lose our hearing today," Violet said.

Cam scooped her up in his arms. "Do you want me to build sandcastles with you?" He asked.

"Please! Am mine! No baby! She smiled shaking her head.

Cam sit down beside me and gave me a quick kiss before helping Julia. Coop sit down at the back of the cover with Tyler and played with the blocks and well Violet wouldn't give up Ryker.

Cam is trying to tell Julia she cant be like that with Ryker or Tyler and she just screams. We stayed on the sand for quite a while when Cam got up and went in the water and Julia screamed because she wanted to as well.

"Take her in shes going to scream because it's cold." Violet shrugged.

Coop now had Ryker on the blanket playing blocks with Tyler. He was sitting up some by himself now. But Coop had him propped up against his leg.

Cam put Julia around the back of his neck and held onto her as they went in the water and they both were screaming and laughing.

"Are you sure that kid isn't Cam's?" Coop laughed.

"Oh, I'm very sure Coop. I only have eyes for you." Violet winked.

"She acts so much like him." I laugh.

They got out of the water and Julia's blonde bouncy curls were dripping wet. She slung her hair and snorted because she got us all wet.

"Oh, she's all yours Violet. I can see the mean radiating off of her." I laugh.

Violet grabbed her and wrapped a towel around her trying to dry her off. "No mama!" Julia said.

"Oh, and her favorite word is No now," Violet said rolling her eyes.

"No, it's still Am at night when it's time to go to bed." Coop laughed.

We stayed a little while longer before packing up and heading up all the steps. We followed them inside their house and Hattie took Julia to take a bath and we all gathered in the living room.

Coop ordered pizza for us and we stayed to eat. Hattie came back with Julia and took Tyler to clean him up.

"Kitty kitty kitty," Julia said handing me the fluffy Casper. Those turned out to be a big hit at the shop and we have sold so many of each one. Casper and Jinx are the most popular ones.

I held Casper like a baby and rocked it and Julia snatched it out of my hands. "No mine." She said making a mean face.

"Oh, that's Violet for sure. She never liked to share toys." I laugh.

"Haaaay! You always tore my stuff up." She said bouncing Ryker.

The pizza arrived and we all eat and passed Ryker around like a beachball. He was enjoying all of the attention and he would giggle and laugh when Julia would make faces at him or show him kitty Casper.

By the time we left, we were worn out and still had to bathe Ryker and get him ready for bed and then shower ourselves.

Cam took Ryker to bathe him and get him ready for bed while I made the bottle. When I went back upstairs Cam was singing and rocking him. I handed him the bottle and smiled.

"I love you Sunshine." He said.

"I love you too Cam. I'll be waiting on you in the shower if you don't take long." I smirk.

"Oh come on Ryker I need you to go to sleep, quick little buddy." He laughed as I walked out of the room.

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