Chapter Eighteen

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I ran through the tunnels that led to the safe room, chopping down men cloaked in black as I ran blinded by my rage. I pushed open the doors into the room and saw the king and queen cornered by the figures. Sasha and Declan were in the opposite corner also surrounded. None of them had weapons. One of the men in black was talking but I didn't hear anything. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. The men in front of Sasha and Declan were on the floor in seconds. Quickly followed by the rest of them. The King, Queen, Marina, Declan and Sasha just stared at me.

My knees hit the floor. They were supposed to pay. But nobody was left to pay the debt that they owed me.

The truth was an ugly thing. And there was no hiding from it this time. Hayden— Hayden was gone. And no amount of revenge and killing would bring him back.


I woke up the next morning in a bed, with no recollection of how I had gotten there. I remember getting to the safe room but everything after that was fuzzy. I didn't recognize the room I was in. There were voices whispering from the other side of the door.

I slid out of the bed and quietly walked over to the entrance. I quickly opened the door. The two people on the other side jumped.

"Alissa dear! I apologize, I did not know you were awake yet."

It was the queen. Accompanied by the newly coronated king.

"I'm sorry but w-what exactly am I doing here?"

Last I checked the entire royal family hated me.

"Alissa, we have a few things to talk about." The king said.

"Of course." I replied.

We talked all through breakfast. We discussed in depth what had happened over the past few years. We discussed the terms of my pardon. We discussed anything and everything.

I couldn't believe I was being pardoned. After everything I had done. All of my sins. All of my crimes. They were going to pardon me. But didn't I deserve punishment. Didn't I deserve a sentence worse then death.

Fate is not real and nor is destiny. But there is one thing I do know. I could continue questioning there decision to pardon me. Or I could make it count. I had a family again. Even if Hayden was no longer part of it. I was going to make his death count.

That night as I walked out on to the balcony, I gazed up at the stars. And just like he promised he was the brightest one there.


From out in the court yard, a women screamed and guards fell.

This life is so beautifully cruel.

The Shame of Villains Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant