Chapter Thirteen

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My plan was to kill the king the day after the festival. The festival was tomorrow. People would be turning away from the capital to return home and the king would be wide open for attacks.

Unfortunately it looks like my time had run out. I had woken the morning of the festival to find we had a special guest. I walked into the foyer to find this guest. And he was none other then The King of Alderode.

My stomach dropped. He was here. I had no choice but to kill my grandfather now. And it just so happened that I was appointed to show our guest around the castle. We walked down the hallway before he spoke.

"Alissa, how odd it is to see you here. Especially while the king still walks. It's funny, I specifically remember telling you to take care of this little problem of mine. So what may I ask is taking so long?"

"I apologize my King. I am going to kill him after the festival when he is most vulnerable to an attack."

"Very good, very good but Alissa I told you to kill him before Midsummers and that was a week ago."

"I'm very sorry my King. Please forgive me."

"I will forgive you just this once. Do not let me down again."

Well apparently he had not forgive me. I was late to dinner that night. I had lost track of time training with Hayden. As I rushed to the castle I heard shouts. People were screaming. I ran into the Dining hall and there were people circled around a person on the floor. King Archinlao was no where to be found. Hayden and I pushed through the crowd. I gasped as I saw Roseanna on the floor. Hayden rushed to her side. He put his hands on her neck in an attempt to keep the blood in.

"Doctor! We need a doctor! Somebody go get a doctor!" He yelled over and over.

Three people ran out of the room to go get a doctor. I kneeled beside Roseanna who's arms had already gone cold.

"What happened here?!" I questioned.

The King and Queen looked absolutely livid. A doctor rushed in. Tears were streaming down Hayden's face.

"We were hoping you could tell us that. King Archinlao stood up at dinner and said "Alissa my dear. I apologize. But I cannot have you around any longer." He then through a knife at Roseannas throat. So I wonder Alissa. Is there anything you would need to tell us?" The King answered.

I had no words. The Doctor interrupted my thoughts.

"Your Majesty's. I am so sorry. She is gone. There is nothing to be done."

I hadn't realized I was crying. Roseanna was dead. And it was my fault. I had thought all this time that I was destined to be a villain. But there is no such thing as destiny. Only choices. And I had made all the wrong ones.

I ran out of the castle, tears streaming down my face. Hayden was right behind me.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't save her." He choked out.

I didn't respond. I had nothing to say. It wasn't his fault.

"Hay..." I whispered. "I don't want to be the bad guy anymore. But it is all I know."

It was his turn to not respond. He just walked over and hugged me. We stayed like that for a long while.

When he finally released me. And I finally let go. We just stood in silence for a minute.

"Alissa, we will find away to fix this. Together."

It sounded like a promise. And against my better judgement I really, really hoped it was.

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