Chapter Seven

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     That thought terrified me. I was going to meet the man behind all of these screwed up experiments. But what scared me even more was that I was ready. I wanted to meet him. Maybe in some messed up way he was on to something. You don't change the world by being normal.

We finished up with the sparring and I was led to my room. The next morning it was the same thing again. I was led to the laboratory and then too different rooms to train my new abilities. Soon enough I had passed all five phases and I was the first successful subject of project Alkain. Even though I had nothing to do with it, I felt accomplished. I felt special. I was important to somebody. I was part of something so much bigger than myself. It felt good.

Then the big day came. It was announced I would be meeting King Archinlao. Maids and servants were brought in to clean me and make me presentable. I was put into a black leather suit with a black scaled vest. Then I was escorted into a carriage and driven to the castle. As we arrived I peered out at the castle. Unlike the one of Zwendale this one was made out of black stone. Brooding in contrast to the brilliant blue of that days sky. We walked inside. The throne room was located at the back of the castle so that visitors would have a grand tour on the way there. Paintings of past rulers lined the hallway leading there, as well as statues of the royal knights.

We entered the throne room and the leading carpet was lined with knights dressed in the royal colors of deep blue and blinding white.  Sat on his throne was the King of Alderode. We stopped just before the stairs leading to the throne. I kneeled.

"Alissa Dayland. It is so nice to see you. Come, let me see you up closer."

I walked up the stairs and kneeled before him. I didn't question how he knew my true name. It did not matter.

"I am extremely pleased with the results of your training. I was wondering if you might grace us with a demonstration."

"Of course, my King. I would be honored."

The knights moved then, to reveal a mat with the traditional circle for sparring.

"Prigston, you will spar with Alissa."

The knight named Prigston nodded to show he understood. I walked over to a near by table and took my pick of weapons. Two lethal daggers and a Scottsfall made sword. Prigston chose similarly. Picking a dagger from Galeforde and a locally made sword. We chose opposite sides of the circle and the king signaled for the duel to begin.

Prigston never stood a chance. I was on him in a second. He attacked with the dagger aiming for my side. I side stepped him with speed nobody had ever seen. I landed five blows before he could even swing his sword.  The king called for another man to step into the circle. This man ended up very much the same as Prigston.

"Alright set your weapons down. Let me see your hand to hand combat. Watson your up."

As directed I set down my weapons. A huge man stepped out of the shadows. Standing two feet taller then me and five times wider. There was no way I could be this man in hand to hand. Watson stepped into the circle and the duel began. He charged at me. I side stepped him. He turned around already swinging. I ducked and kicked him in the kneecap. If it had been anyone else the effects would have been minimal. But I wasn't anyone else. The crunch was audible. And Watson yelped in pain. On the ground he swung out with his massive arms. Instead of dodging I caught his fist and twisted. His arm shattered. Bones sticking out where there had been smooth skin before. Watson slumped to the ground from the pain. I turned back towards the king.

"Is there anything else you would like me to demonstrate my King."

The king had a wide genuine smile on his face. After all what I had accomplished should be impossible.

"No that will be all. Have the servants show you around the castle. I will meet you in the dining hall for dinner in an hour. I have matters to attend to first however."

He motioned for two servants to usher me out. I was shown around the castle. We saw the ballroom, the private drawing room, a second smaller throne room, the kitchens, the stables. And then it was time to head to the dining hall.

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