Chapter Two

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To blame the events that occurred later in my life on Galeforde would be unfair, but not entirely unreasonable. There are a few things you need to know about Galeforde. It's people are Cruel, Wicked and completely unhinged. While some people might consider that description a bit dramatic, those who have been there would deem that a worthy description. I arrived in Galeforde on a stormy day in the dead of summer. The air was thick with electricity, lighting begging to strike.

I was less escorted to the castle as I was dragged. I was just short of being clapped in handcuffs. You would think based on my treatment I had committed murder. We arrived at the castle to my greatest disappointment far to quickly. The Shaleburges have been the ruling royal family for far longer than a century.

I was marched up the steps and made to kneel before Queen Alexandra Shaleburge. It felt like an eternity before she spoke.

"Roseanna Partridge you are here by sentenced to four years of slave servitude for your crimes against the capital."

I was shocked. My name was most certainly not Roseanna and I had committed no crimes against the capital. I opened my mouth and argued...

"Your majesty, you have me mistaken. I am not Roseanna Partridge. I am Alissa Greenbriar."

"I will head none of it, you will not go unpunished this time Roseanna. None of your excuses will dig you out of the grave you have dug for yourself." The Queen replied.

And that was that. Nobody questioned the Queens orders. I was dragged away to be sold at the slave auctions.

I was kneeling in the wooden platform as the gavel came down. I was sold for 200 thousand crowns to a tall dark brooding man after an hour of back and forth bids. There were two things that were shocking about this. One, most slaves are sold for 100 crowns or less. And the second was how long it had taken to be sold. Most slaves also take a maximum of five minutes to sell.

I was led away by the dark brooding man, and guided into a carriage. We traveled in silence until we reached what I could only assume was his manor. He got out of the carriage without a word and two servants came to collect me. The servants led me to a side kitchen (often used to prepare small meals). They introduced me to the head servant, and quickly returned to their tasks.

"Ah my dear, you're the new servant!" Ana the head servant exclaimed.

"Slave" I corrected her.

"More or less the same, dear. Come along then. We don't want to waste time."

I didn't bother asking her where we were going. I would find out soon enough. She led me up the stairs and into what appeared to be a guest bedroom.

"What's your name dear?" She questioned me.

"Alissa, ma'am." I replied

"Well Alissa, you will be in charge of cleaning the rooms every time a guest leaves. And if your lucky you'll get promoted to clean the masters bedroom."

"Ah yes lucky." I sighed

So I started my new "job" as a maid. Everything went better then to be expected and I didn't see the brooding man for three weeks. But that is we're my luck ended.

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