Chapter Eight

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     We entered the dining hall and the king was already sitting. I was sat to the right of him.

"Alissa I have an offer to make you. I would like you to be my private assassin until I have an army for you to lead."

Lots of things went through my head. I would be feared by everyone. Nobody would dare cross me. I would have so much power. I would be unstoppable.

I had always felt so much. I was sold and slaved and tortured for it. I was done with feeling. There was no room for those emotions in this world. I wasn't weak anymore. I was strong, stronger then anyone.

"I would be honored, my king."

King Archinlao had me kneel before him. So I knelt down, and felt nothing. He knighted me as his royal assassin.


I was moved into private chambers inside the castle. And as I laid down to sleep that night I thought about the family I had so conveniently forgotten about. They didn't even miss me. And even though they didn't know it they replaced me. My own family replaced me. They were over in Zwendale living happy lives while I was over here as a slave. How had my life turned around so quickly? But it's like they say everything happens for a reason.

I had a new mission in life. I was going to be an assassin, I was going to serve my king. And I was going to show my family, that I am not replaceable.

Ever since I was little I always told my Grandfather that I wanted to change the world. I would tell him. "Grandpa, I'm gonna save the world one day." He would laugh and tell me more stories.

And that's still true. I am going to change the world. But the horrible truth is simply that I was not meant to save the world.

Sorry this one is really short! But the next one will be longer I promise! Thanks for reading.

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