Chapter Four

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     As I returned to the Edenbrook manor, I started taking the groceries out of the basket. Only a few things for the nights dinner. After all the groceries were put away I pulled out the note. It read "Meet me on the Brigston bridge at 10:00 tonight. Don't be late."

That was odd. He had that note written before he pulled me into the ally. But whatever it was that he had to tell me, sounded important. And I wasn't about to miss the opportunity to learn more about this, Roseanna. I made up my mind to follow jakes note and after dinner that evening I snuck out of one of the lower floor windows.

I arrived at the bridge at 9:55. One could say that my earliness is what caused the next events. But others could argue that it was inevitable. In either case I was hit from behind. Jake was going to be rather disappointed when he showed up, and I did not.


I awoke later that evening with the idea that the hit to the head had caused me blindness. To my eternal gratefulness it was only a bag that had been placed over my head. Once my captors had noticed my consciousness it was swiftly removed. My eyes took a second to adjust to the bright lights. And who else stood before me but Jackson Rivermore. Jackson walked toward me and motioned for the two other figures in the room to exit.

"Jackson! Holy crap what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"When "you" returned to the capital and didn't know who I was I knew it wasn't you. So the real question is Alissa who's at the Capital?"

"Well I can't say for sure, but my best guess is Roseanna."

"Who's Roseanna?" He asked.

"Im not sure, but all I know is that Queen Shaleburge has mistaken me for her, and I have been sentenced to Four years of slave servitude."

I continued my story from there. And explained everything. And then it was Jackson's turn.

"You got shipped here, but then we got news your ship crashed. I have never seen the king so upset. But two days later "you" showed up at the docks with a story about some ship rescuing you. The king agreed "you" didn't have to go to Galeforde and that settled the matter. He also agreed that "you" could continue training with me. We trained the next day but whoever she is sucked at knife throwing. And no matter how little you practiced on the ship I knew there was no way you would have knife throwing go from your best skill to your worst. I called her out on it but she dented everything. That's why I started my search. I figured what better place to start then Galeforde. —Alissa she looks just like you. You even sound the same."

"That doesn't make any sense. I know she's a criminal but even if then why would she take my place. If she was trying to escape and hide being in the spotlight of a foreign kingdom is a horrible idea."

"Idk but we have to get her out of the kingdom before you can go back."

"Your right. How do we get her out?"

And with that we started planning. We worked through the night and I returned to the manor just before dawn.

The next morning came to quickly. (Servants are expected to be up at dawn, to prepare breakfast.) I was assigned to clean the masters bedroom that morning. I walked in and he was sitting at his desk.

"Ah Good morning Roseanna. Let me finish this up really quick so you can get on with the cleaning."

As promised he finished his letter and left the room. The letter sat in the desk letting the ink dry, and my curiosity got the best of me. I walked over and took a look. It read:

"Lord Orchinlad,
I write to you with the utmost respect. But I have a pressing matter in my hands. I have recently added a new servant to my staff. One you may know quite well. Her name is Roseanna Dayland. I have reason to suspect that although she bought by me under that name, this is not the person we are looking for. I need you to look into the official records of Zwendales Royal family. I believe that Alissa Greenbriar is not who they claim she is. Please return to me with this information as swiftly as possible.
                 - Lord Edenbrook                                "

There was no way. Roseanna Dayland. Nobody new Alissas real name. And she didn't have a sister she was sure of that....wasn't she? Either way Lord Edenbrook was going to know about Alissa soon enough and she didn't want to know what would happen to her after that. She had to get out.

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