Chapter Three

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     Just like Ana suggested I was "lucky" and got promoted to clean the masters bed room. I was cleaning the room, returning the sheets to the bed, when in walked "brooding man."

"Ah Roseanna. I was wondering when I would see you. You've done a fine job these last weeks. It too bad you weren't captured sooner."

"I'm sorry Sir, forgive me for being so forward. But what is your name?"

"I will try not to be offended Roseanna. But I understand that with destroying much of the capitals economy one is likely to forget a quiet man such as I. I am Lord Edenbrook."

"Lord Edenbrook, you must believe me. I am not this Roseanna!"

"Well of course you are! Who else would you be. I would recognize you anywhere. I would see that you return to your work."

"Yes sir." I responded.

I turned back to my work when I remembered something that might prove my innocence.

"Sir, I am the Princess of Zwendale! I am Alissa Greenbriar of the royal family!"

"I'm afraid Roseanna that can not be true. As funny as that lie is Princess Alissa returned to her home after her ship crashed on her way here. Nobody is going to save you this time Roseanna."

And with that he walked out of the room. What did he mean I returned to my home after the ship crashed. That's not possible if I am here! Which means someone else was aboard whatever ship returned "me" home.

And I was willing to bet lots of money it was this Roseanna everybody seemed to know so much about. But as my circumstances weren't changing anytime soon, I decided to do some digging.

I was soon sent out as a servant to collect groceries. And while I was in town I would ask questions. Nobody really seemed to know what Roseanna looked like except for Lord Edenbrook and Queen Shaleburge. All the stories mostly came back the same. Roseanna had worked for years to build an elaborate scheme that resulted in the downfall of the economy. Nobody knows why she did it. (But if you ask me, Galeforde was was enough of a motif) She then escaped aboard a ship. And as of recently she was finally arrested. Some stories say she had accomplices, while others said she worked alone. A few of the stories even painted her as a demon from another world. And others made her out to be a hero. (Though to be fair, the stories that painted her were few and far between.) Either way, I was now expected to be her.

Proof that Roseanna did in fact have a accomplices came rather quickly. I was three months in to my four year servitude, when as I walked the streets picking up groceries I was pulled into an ally. The man looked at me and frowned.

"The rumors are true then. She's gone. She left us here."

I assumed he was talking about Roseanna.

"Yes, Roseanna is gone. I am Alissa. Alissa Greenbriar."

His eyes glinted as he caught wind of my name. And a look not to far off from greed crossed his face.

"Greenbriar, as in Greenbriar Royal family? Your a long way from home. What are you doing in Galeforde? And more importantly why do you have the marking of a slave?"

"I was mistaken for Roseanna, just as you mistook me for her as well. I was sentenced to four years as a slave thanks to your precious Roseanna."

"Ah for that I deeply apologize, but that doesn't answer my first question what are you doing in Galeforde?"

"I was caught learning how to defend myself. They sent me here for my punishment. Under the assumption I would come back a "better daughter. Unfortunately it looks like Roseanna has taken my spot as a Alissa, so I won't be returning home or being rescued anytime soon."

"She—she took your spot? I knew she was untrustworthy! She ran with the gold!"

"I'm sorry for your loss of money Mr.—?"

"Jake Greylord, but Jake is fine."

"Mr. Greylord, but I really must get going. Four years aren't going to work themselves off."

Jake slipped a piece of paper into my basket as he briskly walked away. I turned out of the ally and went home. (Weird that I now viewed such a place as home)

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