Chapter Ten

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It was officially 5 o'clock when me and Jackson parted ways. We had plans to meet up later. I had things to take care of first. I made my way up to the castle. I easily climbed the western side which led directly to my old chambers. With any luck it's where Roseanna would be.

The lock on the window was still faulty from when I had lived here. I climbed inside easily enough. I took a look around. The furniture was more or less the same. The clothes had only changed slightly. Everything was almost as I had left it. I was lost in thought when the sound of footsteps spurred me into action. I quickly slid behind the sofa in the corner. I watched in fascination as my look alike entered the room. She moved to the bed and paused. Glancing around the room. Finding nothing amiss she crossed to the bedside table and turned on the light. I looked up in absolute horror to realize I had made a rookie mistake. The window was still wide open.

Roseanna seemed to notice this too. She paused before the open window. She again looked around the room. She walked over to the closet and opened it. Looking behind the clothes. She checked everywhere else. I was about to breath a sigh of relief, as she didn't look behind the sofa when a second figure entered the room.

"Roseanna what am I supposed to wear! He'll be here any minute."

It was Sasha. Five years younger then me she was now fourteen.

"It's ok Sash, we'll find something!"

The nickname. Roseanna had a nickname for my sister. I watched as they picked out clothes together. And soon enough Sasha was dressed ready for her date. She was so much older then I remembered. She had grown up to be so pretty. My family had moved on without me. And— they almost seemed happier with this new Alissa.

Sasha left the room. I thought I was in the clear when Roseanna called out.

"I know your there. You can come out now."

I stepped out from behind the sofa. She stared at me in shock. I stared right back.

"Alissa?" She questioned.

"Roseanna?" I questioned back.

We both nodded in understanding.

"It's good to finally see you." She said

"I can't say it's nice to meet you as well I'm afraid."

"What do you mean?" She sounded offended.

"You stole my life! I couldn't come home for three years because of you! And what do you mean by see you? We've never even met before!"

"Alissa I didn't steal your life! And of course we've met before! We're sisters. How could you have forgotten that?"

I gasped in shock. How could I have forgotten that? So many things didn't make sense.

"We're sisters? Wait no you did steal my family! None of them ever came looking for me! They think your me!"

"Yes we're sisters! We're twins! And they do not think I'm you! Sasha literally called me Roseanna."

In my anger I had skipped over that little detail in my head. Sasha did call her Roseanna. Roseanna wasn't the bad guy here. That was all me.

"Holy crap. I have a sister. No, I have a twin. Wait no that still doesn't explain why they didn't come looking for me. It also doesn't explain why when you first showed up here you claimed you were me."

"That's fair. I claimed to be you at first that's true. I didn't know where you were. And I didn't know how your family would react to me. But about a month afterwards I came clean to them. They adopted me as well. They did send people to look for you. The first two came back with no news and they sent two  out about a year ago. But they never returned."

I knew exactly what happened to those two. They being Soldiers from Zwendale King Archinlao ordered me to take care of them immediately. I should have known.

"Alissa what are you doing back here finally?"

"I came back for a mission. I'm not here for very long."

"What sort of mission?"

The guilt in my stomach grew. But I still had to do it. I would not fail my king. Even if my family hadn't forgotten about me.

"Oh I just need to bring back one of our Zwendalainian doctors." I lied.

"Who do you work for?"

"Oh um the King of Alderode."

I didn't see a problem with telling her that. After all the best lies are mixed with a bit of truth.

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