Chapter Fifteen

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As much as I wanted to stay in bed I knew there were things that needed doing. I needed to fix everything. I really needed to talk to the king. I couldn't live knowing that my family hated me. I could handle the whole world hating me but not them.

Hayden had gone out to the market. I wasn't really sure where I was. But I assumed it's where Hayden lived. I quickly recognized the area. The sweet shop was around the corner and my favorite boutique was up the road. Making the castle in the opposite direction. As I walked into the main market area I noticed large black banners. No writing. Mourning banners. Roseannas death was still fresh on our people's minds. I decided it was best if I didn't walk through the front gate. I wasn't sure they would even let me in. I took a side entrance only the royal family knew about. There were even more black banners draping the castle turrets. I could have sworn they weren't there the day previous. Could they be mourning me? Did they think I died? I mean it was possible. I thought I had died.

I scaled the walls and climbed into my old bedroom. The same one I first met Roseanna in. It was exactly the way she left it. The couch in the corner and the wardrobe pushed into the adjacent corner. I crept out of the room and quickly rushed to the servants passages. Pulling a uniform from the laundry I pulled it over my clothes. I snuck to my hiding spot I found when I was a kid. It had the most spectacular view of the entire throne room. Queen Sasha was sitting alone on her throne dressed head to toe in mourning black. The King and Queen hated me. Why the sudden change of heart?

Tears streaked down her face as Declan entered the room. I noticed a trail of tears on his face as well. The crown prince and Princess entered the room. But instead of standing to the side, preparing for court to be held Prince Charles ll took a seat....on the kings throne. Nobody objected. Nobody questioned it.

The grand doors were opened as court began. People walked about for a couple of minutes before they were called to attention.

"Silence!" Prince Charles ll yelled.

The court as one turned to the royal family. There full attention on him.

"In light of recent events I believe it critical that my daug— Alissa Dayland be apprehended. She is our top most priority."

Captain of the guard, Charlie responded.

"Yes, My King."

My King? Oh my Zwendale. My grandfather was dead. And it was my fault. I had promised to fix everything but all I did was bring more pain and despair. Worse my grandfather died thinking I was the bad guy.

I was the bad guy. He died knowing the truth. Hayden had tried to tell me earlier that I wasn't a villain. I wasn't the bad guy.

But facts remain facts no matter how much we might wish they were lies.

(Sorry this ones short! But I promise the next one will be longer!)

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